
Do Women Make Passes At Men Who Wear Lashes?

Do Women Make Passes At Men Who Wear Lashes?

You bet they do! While eyelash extensions may be primarily perceived as a service for the ladies, guys are increasingly adding the application to their manscaping menus! (Apparently they aren’t ALL born with those eyelashes we women envy!)

Top male actors, models and even musicians (think Steven Tyler) have been accentuating their eyelashes for ages and now it’s heading mainstream.

Eyelash Extensions For Men


The “whys” behind eyelash extending differ between the sexes. Women generally extend to achieve that instant “better than mascara could ever possibly achieve” look with longer, blacker, thicker lashes.

Men, on the other hand, are simply looking to bring added definition to their eyes (and look a bit younger) by filling out their lash line. They usually want to avoid the “mascara” look at all costs.

Since the reasons behind the decisions to extend vary between men and women, the applications typically do, too. Here’s what an average manscaping eyelash extension application entails, compared to its female counterpart:

  • Less curly eyelash extensions: Curl is gorgeous for most gals but its “doll-like” effect is not so desirable for the average guy. Most men opt for extensions with the least amount of curl.
  • Shorter extensions: The long lashes desired by the ladies are not a top choice for the typical gent. Sticking close to their natural lash length, adding extensions for fullness, not length, is the goal for guys.
  • Lighter colored extensions: Black eyelash extensions tend to add a mascara look that men generally want to avoid (but women LOVE)! Dark Brown extensions, or a mix of Dark Brown within a base of Black, are more natural for men.
  • Thinner extensions: Like Black extensions, very thick eyelash extensions tend to create a mascara appearance. Men who want a natural look opt for extensions that are close to the diameter of their natural lashes.
  • A natural progression of extension lengths: To avoid the “cat eye” look (longed for by many ladies) eyelash extensions for men follow the natural frame of their own lashes – no long lashes near the outside edges.
  • Fewer eyelash extensions: On an eyelash extension service menu the fullest sets of lashes are often called “Diva Lashes” or “The Mascara Look” – definitely terms most men seek to avoid. For the guys, less is more with a natural look averaging between 30 and 50 extensions per eye.

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