
Marketing Tip of the Week: How NOT to toot your own horn

How NOT to toot your own horn:
First of all don't bash your competition.
Speak about your strengths instead. What are the benefits of hiring your company? What makes you different?

This past week Steve Jobs bashed Adobe's Flash software blaming flash apps for Apple for being:
1) too power hungry, I have no expertise in this area however Adobe defended its software vigorously.
2) the number one reason Macs crash WHAT? Did I hear that right? I thought Macs "NEVER" crashed?
3) a closed platform, Steve said he prefers "open standards" This is the pot calling the kettle black. Apple has been keeping its operating systems "closed" from day one. That is why PCs have more applications for them because Apple is much more restrictive in giving software developers access to its code.

Anyway this hypocrisy and attack on Adobe is totally unjustified and unprofessional. The bottom line is toot your own horn without bashing your competition. It just makes you look bad.

Have an awesome week!

Frank Gomez is a Graphic Designer and Web Designer with Frank's Designs.

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