A month ago I didn't even know who Lady Gaga was, what she was famous for, I know absolutely nothing. Just heard her name on the radio and I was like who? Whatever...
You might think I live in a cave but the real reason is that I choose not to watch television. We don't even get television in the house. Just Internet and phone.

Back to the point... Today I saw in an online news article that Lady Gaga is the new creative director for Polaroid so I decided I guess I'll find out what this woman is all about. You can learn something from anyone why not Lady Gaga.
Basic Basics...
- She is only 23!!!
- She has been an entertainer most of her life
- She has been trying to succeed for years
- She is now famous
You can say the she is original, unique or just the opposite because in some ways... it has all been done before. I like to think of her as this generations Madonna. Bottom line (even if you don't like her) she is a talented, smart, provocative person who just never gave up.
- Persistence pays off
- Market yourself relentlessly
- Be different (Find a Niche)
- Use a variety of media
- Find Strategic Partners
What better for a star than to team up with than a camera company? It just increases her publicity and helps Polaroid too.
Frank Gomez provides graphic and web design services to small businesses
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