
Marketing Tip: Standing Out in a crowd

This subject is near and dear to me because like many of you I run a small business, heck. I AM a small business. How does small businesses compete with larger businesses or other small businesses who may have some cash to throw around.

Uniqueness is often touted as the way to do it but uniqueness in itself isn't enough if nobody knows you exist.

First of all you need a brand/ a company identity/ a cohesive look and of couse you and your staff should know and embody the company's values. If you have that in place here is what else you can do:

Step 1)
Get away from your desk!!! Get out and meet people. This can be in networking groups, parties, or activities of any kinds. Ask them about themselves. Yes ask them about themselves and their business and YOU will be more memorable because they like you and liked that you showed interest in them.
Step 2)
Follow up. So many people don't bother to follow up, keep in touch, send thank you notes, check in etc. This will show that you are different.
Step 3)
Provide outstanding customer service. Many companies claim to do this but there are so few that this will make you stand out.
Step 4)
Send referrals to businesses that you respect and trust. This will help them remember you and want to return the favor.

Got ideas? Please add them in the comments!

Frank Gomez is a graphic designer with Frank's Designs Empowered Marketing

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