Amidst the clatter and clamor of all the noisemaking at New Year’s Eve are all of the hearts of dieters screaming out: THIS TIME I’M GOING TO DO IT!!! THIS TIME IT WILL BE DIFFERENT!!! THIS TIME I WILL GET THE WEIGHT OFF!! Perhaps one of those "hearts" is yours?
Odds are good that most people have made many resolutions on many that haven’t been kept. The sincerity is there, certainly, as is the desire, pain and frustration. So what happens?
Let’s talk about a fictitious person who represents the experience of so many people. We’ll call her Jane. Jane is inspired to change. She can’t fit into her size 10’s and hasn’t been able to for twelve years. She’s dieted many times, and actually, she has reached the highest weight she’s been in years this past year. She attributes it to the stress of the economy, job market and problems with her family. But with New Year’s coming Jane has become inspired that maybe if she loses those 30 pounds her life will change.
Being inspired to change is a driving force that, for Jane and for most people, lasts just long enough for to get to the point of making the decision that “tomorrow” (i.e., January 1st) Jane knows she will start anew. On “D”-day (“Diet-Day”) that decision stares her plainly in the face as friends, relatives or perhaps coworkers entice her with fresh bagels or pastries, pancakes, eggs, sausage, alcohol and all sorts of goodies.
“This wasn’t a good idea,” Jane says to herself. “I should have started on January 2nd. I should have realized that today there would be brunches and partying. Tomorrow will surely be better.”

Make no mistake about it, Jane wants to lose the 30 pounds, but not if it’s going to be “painful,” and passing up all the goodies on New Year’s Day feels “painful.” So, out the window go her plans. New Year’s Day is just a day, like every other day on Earth. The significance it has is something we humans have placed on it. It does not contain some magic that will all-of-a-sudden make you stick to your plans.
What will it take for Jane to keep her inspired resolve? To be sure, having a vision of her body slender and healthy will be a key element to her success. Visualization is powerful. But just visualizing, wishing and positive thinking aren’t enough. Like all of us Jane has two conflicting desires inside, and the “juice” behind one (the “desire” to eat and stay “comfortable”) has, in the past, out-shadowed the desire to get more slender and healthier.
That first Monday in January isn’t like most Monday mornings! It’s a super-charged “Oh Gosh, now I have to live up to my resolution and my life isn’t magically changed just because it’s 2010 all of a sudden!” kind of Monday.For some they feel shell-shocked. Some are highly motivated but get stopped by the myriad leftover treats both at home, and that other bring to work to share. Let’s face it saying “no” is very difficult in sticky social settings where food seems to be the
There is a process that must happen in order for real change and lasting results. It is change from the inside-out! main “glue” keeping everyone festive. After the Holidays it is a sort of let down. After all the hub-ub of making merry people still need something to look forward to.
It’s Not All Your Fault! There’s another “dirty trick” being played on you.

It started with food manufacturers who want to keep you addicted to the “cocktail” of high fat, high sugar foods – romanticizing them (have you seen the Dove chocolate commercials), or making them “cool” (have you seen any commercials for kids’ cereals and snacks?). However, while it's not all your fault, if you're going to conquer this you’re going to need to do things differently.
Very, very few people have achieved real and permanent change by gritting their teeth and bearing it. If they have, usually they gain the weight back and then more for “good measure”. That’s the other conflicting “self” inside that desires food more than health and a slender body. It comes around to almost “bite you in the….” That's the proverbial "drop in the bucket of change."

To help you understand more about really implementing your self-enhancement desires from the inside-out I’ve made a video series soon to come out on that gives you five tips about a holistic solution I call M.E.P.P.S. It has worked for me, it has worked for many of my clients and I’ll be discussing various free resources that you will learn about to help you!
Also, in an upcoming blog I will be making a very special offer that will be limited to the first few people to respond so stay tuned… and have a happy, healthy New Year’s Eve!
Dr. Chris
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