Dear Coach
Can you tell me what I can do in the way of
alternative medicine for enhancing my efforts to control appetite? I don’t like using drugs of any kind and I heard there were essential oils, and homeopathic remedies that might be of help.
I find I get so hungry in the afternoon and that is when I “lose it” to chocolate or some sweet. Help Please!
Afternoon snacker
Dear Afternoon Snacker:
What a terrific question! There are a few essential oils that assist with overeating urges, and even eating disorders. Just FYI, essential oils have been in use as medicinal aids for a very very long time. According to the translation of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics and Chinese manuscripts, priests and physicians were using essential oils thousands of years B.C. They truly were man’s first medicine.
There are very powerful and scientific reasons why they work. Most all essential oils are antibacterial to some degree. Some improve immune function, others inhibit accumulation of toxins are antiseptic and also anti-inflammatory.
While the ancients did not know why they worked, essential oils affect your physiology in profound ways that can now be explained by modern science. They are distilled from plants, shrubs, flowers, trees, roots, bushes and seeds. Nature has surely given us such an incredible natural “pharmacy”.

Be sure the oils you buy are pure. Any chemical combined with an essential oil destroys its effectives, purpose and function. Purity is key. Be sure your source has low pressure and low temperatures to derive their oils. Question your sources. The use of solvents, high pressure or temperatures, rapid processing etc. will fracture the oil molecule and destroy its therapeutic value.

To reduce the urge to overeat, and even assist in the case of eating disorders: in the citrus category, oils of Grapefruit, and of lemon; in the mint category, oils of peppermint and spearmint are terrific. Have you ever noticed when you are chewing a piece of mint gum or sucking on a mint you can’t really taste anything else well? That sensation is magnified when you use pure essential oils through an effect on the brain. For instance, if you are having difficulty with hunger the tiniest drop of peppermint under or on the tip of the tongue. You will find that hunger is relieved for a good amount of time.
Sometimes overeating is in response to a feeling of depression. It depends on the level of depression and if you are on medications of any kind for depression it would be best to consult your medical doctor before using essential oils. However, effective mood-lifting essential oils include the oils of bergamot, frankincense, lavender and chamomile.

When overeating is related to unmanaged stress in your life there are some anti-stress oils you can use. In addition to being mood lifting, chamomile and Lavender are also anti-stress oils, and both can reduce stress-eating and aid in restful sleep. There are many kinds of stress. A couple of other categories and the oils that may assist include: For emotional stress: Bergamot, geranium, sandalwood. For physical stress: bergamot, fennel, geranium, lavender, marjoram, rosemary and thyme. For general stress, basil, bergamot, clary sage, cypress, grapefruit, lavender, frankincense, roman chamomile and tangerine oils.
While I don’t have time and space here to explain how to use the oils, some very simple ways include: using a cold air diffuser (you can get one for as low as $49 or so – it has a pad to drip the oils into and a fan that disperses them into the air). There are many styles of cold air diffusers. The key is to get the micro-molecules into the air for you to breath.
Another simple way is to put a drop in your palm and rub your palms together, and then inhale the aroma coming from your palms 5-10 times. You can also put a tiniest drop on the tip of your tongue (as with the peppermint), or even make a tangy lemonade with oil of lemon (2 drops in water plus stevia to sweeten) for instance.
It is well worth your time to learn more about essential oils and their uses. For more information look up aromatherapy on the internet. There are many sites with great information. Locally you may want to contact a holistic practitioner who uses aromatherapy in their practice for assistance. Many doctors of oriental medicine, chiropractic physicians, massage therapists and certified aroma therapists are happy to help!
Remember that overeating and cravings may have a number of causes. Using essential oils is one great “tool” among many to help you have greater control and peace.
For more information about conquering food, weight and body image from the inside-out please feel free to download my free report at Remember to ask for a complimentary consultation in the month of January.
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