Usually when you see "True Confessions" you think someone is going to tell you their juicy, embarrassing secret. In truth, there
is a "secret," of sorts. That "secret" is what makes thousands of people suffer in silence.
My purpose for writing this particular blog is to help you save lives.
Just look at these statistics:
Alcohol and other drugs are associated with 50% of spousal abuse cases, 20-35% of suicide cases, 50% of traffic fatalities, 62% of assaults, 49% of murders, 52% of rapes, 68^ of manslaughter charges, 69^ of drownings and 38% of child Abuse cases.
Now, do I have your attention? Addictions are the leading cause of death in the U.S.A., NOT cardiovascular disease, heart attack, or stroke.

You see, many people don't realize the statistics of how addictions and substance abuse are hurting and even killing people day after day. Because of the shame that labels people with serious addictions, and because addictions can lead to really bad behavior choices and even crimes, confession to having an addiction becomes shrouded in fear -- fear of ridicule, and rejection.

Addicts are not bad people or weak-willed. Modern research now reveals that addiction is a serious, genetic disease that kills. The American College of Addictionology and Compulsive Disorders, headquartered in Miami, FL, is headed by President Dr. Jay M. Holder (D.C., M.D., and Ph.D.). Together with the discoverer of the addiction gene, Kenneth Blum, Ph.D., D.A.C.A.C.D. they have proven how this gene negatively affects brain chemistry and something called the “brain reward cascade.”

In simple terms it is the biochemical reactions that occur in the human brain, specifically in its limbic system (the “seat” of emotions in the brain) that allows you to feel good – to have a sense of well-being. But in those who have the addiction gene, this series of biochemical reactions don't function correctly. Thus those who have the addiction gene are said to suffer from
“Reward Deficiency Syndrome,” (i.e., a compromised ability to feel the state of well-being that normal, non-addicted people naturally feel).

Addictive substances actually provide a way for the addict to feel a sense of well-being and happiness. It is not imagined just because they are using their “substance of choice.” It is a real feeling due to the affects the addictive substance is having on their brain. Whether the addiction is sugar/carbohydrates, alcohol/drugs, gambling, sex or workaholism (the five major addictions) those with the addiction gene are at risk. Environment and exposure to the substance of choice are additional factors.

The Five Major Addictions
Once again, there is a certain percentage of the population born with the “addiction gene.” Just because one has the gene doesn’t mean that he or she absolutely will fall prey to addiction, but with exposure over time these are the folks much more likely to be addicted to any one (or several) of
the five major addictions:
1. Food (Sugar and carbohydrates)
2. Alcohol and drugs
3. Sex
4. Gambling and risk taking behavior
5. Workaholism

I’m sure you’re asking what so many of my patients do: “how can someone be addicted to sex or gambling or work? They aren’t ‘shooting up’ or taking a pill.” Our bodies, amazing as they are for their ability to heal and stabilize despite all the abuse we modern humans give them, are also amazing pharmacies. The addictive brain chemicals (endorphins, opiates) someone produces when engaged in sex, gambling/risk taking or overwork are just as strong as alcohol and drugs and sugar.
There are predictable symptoms of the disease of addiction that an addict goes through. You can learn about the progression of addiction by downloading free information at You will find a chart on the progression of alcoholism , on food addiction, cocaine, gambling and chemical dependency in youth.
If you knew that a suicide was going to be committed tomorrow would you wait to do something about it? I don't want to sound dramatic, but as you review these charts about the progression of addiction you will realize that while the suicide may not be happening tomorrow, it could come to that at some point -- someone is in pain and suffering and doesn't know what to do.
If you or someone you love suffers from addiction there are resources - often free resources - that can help. Twelve Step Anonymous programs can be found at They never charge a fee and at most meetings there is information about where to get treatment and assistance.
I know this has been a serious blog about a serious subject. But so very many people live in that place of denial that the problem really is as bad as it is. No one wants to admit to having an addiction. But the real freedom and joy in life happens when an addict realizes that they have a real, bona fide disease, and that there are ways to help herself recover.
Addicts benefit from group and individual therapy by a licensed therapist or treatment facility. But the disease is "multi-factoral;" in other words it is vital to address the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual aspects of the disease.
As a certified addictionologist I welcome your questions. I will be happy to answer some of them here on this blog. Please write to me here on WQ Mag or email If you want more information about methods of alternative addiction treatment visit
Dr. Christina Winsey offers free consultations about addiction recovery coaching, life coaching and alternative addiction treatment. You can contact her at
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