
Heather Patoray's Comments

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At 3:05pm on June 25, 2010, Jack Alexander said…
Hi again Heather -- Here's an update for you, my friend. Enjoy my gift to you. I've been painting images of my visions since age three. Let us become friends while networking through this site.

Truly, Jack

'Thought you might like to see this news item:

It is viewable also on video at:

Please take a listen to my audio-video at http://sarasota.anythingarts.com/video/jack-yohiel-alexander-speaks and visit my web sites. God bless!

Please join me at:

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At 10:55am on September 21, 2009, Jack Alexander said…
Congratulations you guys! Of all the backyards, yours really needed it. This is a well-deserved win. Big congratulations! Hooray!
At 10:50am on September 21, 2009, Dr. ZZ said…
Hey Joey and Heather -- It was s-o-o-o-o good to see your smiling faces in the Winner's Circle this morning. Clap! Clap! Cheer! Yahoo! Bravo! You guys did an outstanding job, and you 100% deserve it. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy, enjoy! Yea team!
At 8:46am on September 21, 2009, Dave and Dawn Cook said…
CONGRATS! CONGRATS! We knew you'd win and we're very happy for you both!! Dawn & Dave
At 8:45pm on September 16, 2009, Debbie Brown said…
Phew..... It took me awhile, but I finally figured it out. I'll try to get my vote in tomorrow too!
At 8:47pm on September 15, 2009, Dr. ZZ said…
Hi Heather -- Thanks for your comment and your encouragement to vote in the Backyard Giveaway. I just cast another vote for #4 and will do my best to vote for you on each of the remaining three days. It was I, who did most of Jack Alexander's promotion in the Art Contest, and I know how grueling it can be. You guys are doing a fabulous job and deserve to win. Hang in there. We're rooting for ya'. Way to go #4!
At 11:34am on September 15, 2009, Roy Krueger said…
I have the gang at work voting for you too. Danica and Carrie are on my staff. Their jobs are on the line! It's a good thing they don't take me too serious.
At 11:16am on September 15, 2009, Dave and Dawn Cook said…
Heather, thanks for the forgiveness! LOL
Yes our pup was quite a bit bigger than Piper when Joe stopped by a few days ago. We didn't get him out for a walk last night, hopefully tonight. Been very busy working on our new Prepaid Legal business. Did you guys get to watch that webinar last night? Let us know what you thought. Dawn
At 6:53pm on September 14, 2009, Dave and Dawn Cook said…
I'll do so now. I'm sorry I forgot for a few days. I'll try to vote each day left. So hope you guys win! Dawn
At 9:48pm on September 12, 2009, Hollyberry said…
We're awake. It's Saturday night. It's time to party!!! What's that again?!

At 8:41pm on September 10, 2009, Amy Murray said…
I was inspired by the "blogging"...you got my vote for the next 7 days. Good luck!
At 5:20pm on September 10, 2009, Miss Attitude said…
You're welcome! Thanks for the comment on the blog, and I say good for you and your husband. *fingers crossed*
At 9:56pm on September 9, 2009, Melissa Gagnon said…
Good luck to you both...I can't think of a sweeter newlywed couple that this could happen to!!! I'll pass this along to my friends!!!
At 8:58pm on September 9, 2009, Morgan Young said…
Please come visit us! We miss you!
At 4:49pm on September 9, 2009, Phaedra said…
It's no big deal. Doesn't cost anything, but a couple minutes, and if I can help someone that easily, then why not? ;-D
At 9:28pm on September 8, 2009, Jack Alexander said…
Hi Heather -- You are S-O-O-O-O good. Everywhere I went on WQmag to promote my work in the Art Contest, there you were -- thanking people who had voted for you and encouraging them to show up the next day and do the same thing all over again. Time and time again, you seemed to be all over the web site with personal notes about "Tommy" this and "Janie" that. Even though I was up to my hip boots in a contest of my own, I decided then and there that YOU deserved to win the Backyard Makeover.

The prize for the Art Contest is an Artist profile with photo in the Fall issue of the WQ Mag printed magazine -- not exactly a $16,000 giveaway. Perhaps that's why people were comparatively civil in the Art Contest. Except for the phrase "my honest and unsolicited vote, which at one point began to ripple though the comment pages like a mantra, no one became hostile. Thank Goddess! (((Smiles)))

My partner, Zae Zatoon, enterd the Backyard Makeover and did not become one of the finalists. Thus, you have a unique and privileged opportunity in this event. Go for it girl! It is, by definition a popularity contest; so don't be embarrassed to let your star shine. I will look forward to sending you a note of congratulations when you win in the end. Till then. . . Keep up the excellent momentum, and don't let the back-biting get to you. It's a test of endurance. All the best, Jack
At 5:11pm on September 8, 2009, Steph said…
Thanks girlie. I'm slowly getting back on my feet. Walking a little more each day. I gope you guys win this thing too. How cool. Trevor and I close on our house next week, o we'll be in our new home by the end of the month. Yay! Lots of Jello all around. Your house, our house, your mom's house, you name it. Woo Hoo. Take care and I'll talk to you soon. Love ya, Steph
At 5:55pm on September 6, 2009, Rex Ballenger said…
It is easier to vote for the president of Iran then this site. I know about the 1 a day rule and I voted today I hope it took. I will have to say your yard looks like Iranian desert and I know you want it to look like uuhh where you went on honeymoon. Good luck
At 4:02pm on September 6, 2009, Colleen White said…
You're welcome. When I bought my place in '02 there was one skinny palm and a lot of weeds - now we have 2 ponds and a jungle! Here's a tip for you - we did it on a tight budget too- yard waste night go cruise the rich neighborhoods. They toss out lots of plants, cuttings, and even pots, and we filled in a lot of the yard that way. We even built our own ponds & waterfall - the library has lots of how-to's. I have a beaded jewelry class starting at ACEC on the 21st, then at Longboat the first weeek of Oct. I teach silversmithing & stone cutting at my shop in the Village of the Arts, we reopen Oct 2nd - Artwalk that night. I also teach precious metal clay, will be doing a 5 wk workshop in copper clay at Art Center Sarasota in Feb., but workshops at my shop before then. Come learn a new skill, Copper & bronze clays are gorgeous and a lot cheaper than silver. AFter Oct 2nd I'm there Thurs - Sat 11-4 - stop by and say hi! Good luck on the yard contest! If you don't win, feel free to email me about how to do it yourself on a budget.
At 4:00pm on September 6, 2009, Terri said…
You're welcome!




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