
Elissa Bentsen
  • Female
  • Sarasota
  • United States
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  • Andrea Spissinger, BS, CAP
  • Jack Alexander

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About Me
Intuitive Hypnotherapist specializing in Past Life and Life Between Life Regression Professional background in Social Work and Counseling. Former United Way Agency Director.
Studied Past Life Regression with Betty McCormack and Dr. Brian Weiss
Interests and Hobbies
Metaphyisical studies and spiritual development.

Beaded jewlery designer and gardner.
Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton,FL
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Elissa Bentsen's Blog

Peeling the Onion…Quickly; A Recipe for Heightened Self Knowledge

Posted on September 1, 2009 at 4:43pm 0 Comments

A few years back…well actually more than a few… I practiced traditional therapy. I used to call it peeling the onion. It took months, even years to slough off layers of denial, misinformation, myths, fears and get to the often forgotten root cause of an issue. Although my clients’ efforts were well worthwhile and highly productive, the process seemed laborious. There had to be a better way, a more efficient method for accessing what lies beneath… in recesses of the… Continue

Dealing with Recession Stress

Posted on August 16, 2009 at 9:26pm 2 Comments

Dealing with Recession Stress

Most of us are feeling the pinch from the worst economy since the Great Depression.

Job loss, mortgage foreclosure and fading hope for the American dream are driving many to seek relief from the pressure of today’s economy. For some that pinch feels more like a vise grip, quenchable with alcohol, painkillers and narcotics resulting in a dramatic rise in alcohol and drug abuse statistics. According to the DEA, there is an 80% increase in the… Continue

Comment Wall (15 comments)

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At 11:37am on June 20, 2010, Jack Alexander said…
Hi Elissa. Here's an update for you. -- Enjoy my gift to you. I've been painting images of my visions since age three. Let us become friends while networking through this site.

Truly, Jack

'Thought you might like to see this, which is viewable also on video at:

Please take a listen to my video at http://sarasota.anythingarts.com/video/jack-yohiel-alexander-speaks and visit my web sites. God bless!



Please join me at:

Please follow me at:
At 11:40am on December 10, 2009, iHerb Coupon Code OPI185 said…
Hi Elissa -- Next time you need herbs, vitamins and health and nutritional products, this is to invite you to check out iHerb.com

Save $5 off your first order using Coupon Code OPI185, then earn even more $$$ by joining iHerb Rewards and referring your clients and friends. Happy Holidays!
At 11:08am on November 30, 2009, admin said…
Just A Reminder...Don't Forget You need to submit a photo and paragraph on why you want to win The New Smile makeover. If you have any questions. Please email me ...

At 11:44am on August 31, 2009, Jack Alexander said…
Hi -- One of my paintings, “Leper Beauty” is in the WQ|mag Fall Art Contest, and voting starts today, August 31. All WQ|mag members can vote once a day for the Prize Winner from now thru September 6.

This is to invite you to link to the voting page from Wqmag.com (see “Click Here to Vote” on the Home page) and vote for painting #6, “Leper Beauty." It's one I created in Bali, Indonesia while involved in a hands-on healing program at the Leper Community in Lalang Linggah. Miraculously, within 90 days of my finishing the artwork, the 23-year old subject, a girl who had had leprosy all her life, experienced a complete reversal of the disease.

More about the painting and about the potential cause for the girls’ miraculous healing are posted underneath the image. WQ|mag members can vote once a day for their favorite artwork from August 31 thru September 6; so please vote early, and vote often. All the best. . . Enjoy!

Warmest regards, Jack
At 6:20pm on August 18, 2009, Jack Alexander said…
Hi Elissa. Lets meet for coffee at Starbuchs, near Whole foods, sometime soon. I'd enjoy a meeting of the minds. Warm Regards, Jack
At 12:36pm on August 18, 2009, Dr. ZZ said…
Hi Elissa -- Now that you've discovered the posts on your profile page, I thought I'd drop a hello. As fellow hypnotherapists, we have a lot in common. I also happen to have traveled and lived all over Asia. . . Japan, China, Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore, Cambodia, Myanmar, Malaysia, you name it. Perhaps our paths will cross, and we can meet and compare notes sometime. Till then. . . All the best, Zae
At 7:42pm on July 8, 2009, Jack Alexander said…
Good Day Elissa,

We are truly kindred spirits, we have much in common though few of my gender understand the principles of "God-Goddess-Divine." Since childhood, I have known that we are all "Divine Walking," eternal beings here to have a human experience -- not the other way around, which is not true. It would be my desire for you to view my WQmag page and my web sites for the purpose of getting your feedback as to how my artwork feels; where it takes you, if anywhere.

Please click the photo stamp at the left to start the journey and to discover info about who I am. Links to my web sites are in the "About Me" profile.

Thank you Elissa!

Warm Regards,

Jack Alexander/ 415-244-9445
At 7:16pm on June 9, 2009, WQ|mag Admin said…
I have uploaded our new promotion for advertising on the website and in the magazine. It is an incredible promotion for small businesses. Our website Daily Scoop email blast is now up to 11,000 people and our print publication is reaching approximately 30,000 people a quarter. We are also going to be offering an ad on our website for just $25 per month. This ad special is not on the current promotion, but we are going to be adding it because some people just want to promote on the website. The ad is normally $45. If you are still interested, please feel free to call me at 863-670-1044 to go over the details. Thank you. Wes Craven
At 9:11am on June 4, 2009, WQ|mag Admin said…
Good morning Elissa, Your business and your passion are different when it comes to branding and marketing in general. But, that doesn't mean impossible. I am almost done with the new partners program. I have been adding some more things to it. I should be done on Friday. I love this stuff. Advertising is fine, but I love finding ways to market peoples businesses! I will talk to you soon. Wes
At 8:33am on June 4, 2009, Backyard Getaway (Lisa) said…
Sorry, the link didn't come through on the last comment: http://backyardfriends.ning.com/?xgi=3pJelTV

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