
The Practical Use of Aromatherapy to help support daily health and well being

This is a begning of many thoughts I have over my 15 years of experience in both working with the essential oils, and teaching Aromatherapy. These sweet essential oils, extracted from the plant kingdom (mostly) have been a support for my physical, emotional, mental and spiritual being ever since I had cancer over 15 years ago. They helped me through radiation treatment -- so that I didn't have any burning on my skin, and my recovery was quick. Since then, my studies have continued and deepen -- so that they are truly a part of me. My passion is to share these complex little oils that add so much to our lives. It gives me great joy to see how it alters the experience of health and wellbeing, and uplifts a person to a greater sense of ease. More to come.....

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I have to agree with you. I have been around essential oils for majority of my life. Only in the last 3 years have I dove in so deeply. My passion has become a bit of an obsession. I reach for essential oils before I reach for anything else no matter the ailment. And, an ailment does not even need to be there. I choose oils every day! And like you, the more I learn, the more I just can't help myself but want to share them.
The Swine Flu

Many essential oils have important, antibacterial, antifungal, immune building and antiviral capabilities. Based on the work of Belgian physician Dominique Baudoux, “Viruses are highly sensitive to aromatic molecules, and some severe viral pathologies may show a vast improvement following their use. In addition to assisting recovery from infection, the use of aromatic oils helps build resistance to viral infections. According to Patricia Davis, Aromatherapy A-Z, “a few drops of Ravensara in a bath will avert an attack of flu”.

The H1N1 virus is a “coated” virus, which is most affected by the Myrtaceae and Lauraceae families of trees, with Ravensara being the most outstanding antiviral, and working best together with Eucalyptus radiata. Their efficacy can be improved with the immune building oils of bay laurel, cumin and cistus.
Early treatment (within 24 hours of onset) can result in rapid recovery (one drop on the tongue, every hour. Diffusion is an excellent preventative application. In addition, the E.O.’s blended in a carrier oil are recommended

Patti Star www.aromatherapyone.com





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