
Are You Too Comfortable In Your Relationship...

Here Are 10 Signs

Are you a woman who has gotten just a little too comfortable in your relationship?
Take a look at the top 10 ways to send your man running right into the arms of another woman and see if perhaps you have gotten too comfortable.

#1. You wear granny panties -
I don't think I need to explain what these ugly underwear say to a man. Unless you are 70 years of age or older, don't go near these bloomers with a ten foot pole. Men hate them. Sexy women wear thongs or bikini's… or nothing… no matter what size buttocks they have.

#2. You have an open door bathroom policy. - Anyway you look at it… an open door bathroom policy stinks. There's not a man alive who gets turned on by seeing his woman on the pot, toilet, sh@$#%er… or can. Whatever you want to call it shut the door and remain private.

#3. You come to bed wearing flannel pj's, oversized tee shirts or God forbid… a tent moo moo. You are asking for trouble. Throw them away and buy something feminine to sleep in.

#4. You fail to shave your legs, armpits or hair around your pubic area - Sorry gals, we don't live in Europe… so shave for heaven's sake. Pubic hair should be cut trim for a fresh, clean appearance. Out of control hair anywhere on the body is a major turn off for most men.

#5. You burp and/or fart at will - Men love to do it.. they think it's funny and relaxing. Men hate to hear these foul excretions coming from their woman. If you must burp or fart, do it behind closed doors and hope your man doesn't hear it and/or smell it.

#6. You feel comfortable saying "no" to sex on a regular basis - Be prepared for your man to look elsewhere. Let's face it ladies… very few men are going to live a life of celibacy.

#7. You have the mouth of a truck driver - You know more four letter words than a long haired, cigarette smoking truck driver named Denny. It's a turn off and not lady like. Keep your foul mouth to a minimum.

#8. You have bad toenails and fingernails -
You know what I mean by "bad" – dirty, chipped, half painted, rugged nails are a turn off to men. Sexy women have sexy looking nails.

#9. You constantly put the kids and/or family pet ahead of your man -
Easy thing to do ladies, I know… our children and pets really depend on us and they love us unconditionally, all the time. However, if you make your man feel like he is second, third or even fourth in line for your affections, realize there is someone out there that will make him feel like the most important person in the world.

#10. Don't be a naive fool… - If you suspect that your husband/boyfriend is cheating, check his cellular phone call detail and text messages on the phone. Her number will show up guaranteed! If your man works every night and on weekends, you may want to follow him or have someone else follow him. How about your best girlfriend?

Just keep in mind he could be spending time with a woman who doesn't burp, fart, wear granny panties, who closes the bathroom door with clean, beautiful nails and who has all the time in the world to devote to your man.

Think about it ladies… if your man is worth keeping, it may take a little effort on your part. I have yet to find a man who does not agree with each and every one of these points.

About the Author: Jackie Mahaney is a dating & relationship journalist as well as an inspiring author of a novel titled, "Meet Delaney" and host of "Everyday Woman" found on Women Web TV. Mahaney writes about life's personal relationships wi... Jackie Mahaney.

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Hello, this is the 21st Century! This article sounds like it's out of the 50's. Really, granny panties? Modern women are all about comfort. What self-respecting woman would wear an uncomfortable thong just to please a man? Sure, if you like 'em, wear 'em but for yourself.

The word "sexy" is used several times as if that's a woman's primary goal. What happened to smart? Perhaps a word of advise on keeping up on current events, reading and getting involved in helping others would be more appropriate for today's woman. Intelligence and having a point of view is sexier than underwear to real men.

In all fairness, the author makes some valid points. Dirt of any variety, in any place on a woman's body, unless she is rebuilding the garage is not attractive but that goes for men too. Are any of you women turned on by a man's dirty fingernails or listening to him burp? I don't think so. So that tips applies to men also

On behalf of devoted mothers everywhere, putting children first is the duty of any responsible parent. Not that husbands should feel they are playing second fiddle to the kids but who wants a man who whines because the kids are getting more attention than him. To the man who uses the excuse that he cheats because he wife pays too much attention to their children, I’d have to say, grow up!

Sound off ladies. We've come too far to accept this pre-historic nonsense. Or did I burn my bra and fight for women's rights back in the 60's for nothing?
Both Jackie's original post and the response are appropriate and on target fo us men, and there are exceptions (like "Denny", the trucker). If there is something either of you like or don't like, the best thing is to get it on the table for a dialogue, but remember, the Fundamental Relationship Error is to try to change your partner. You have to say what you notice, explain how you feel about it, and invite the person to take it under advisement.

Doug Ross
Make It Last: Loving Relationships
As a member of the X generation, I would have to say I disagree with one part of the previous comment above.

Granny panties is a very modern phrase...Yes, this style panty is from the 50's-60's. However...many...perhaps millions of people today in the 21st Century use this reference...to poke fun of this older style of panty. It is a joke... It is a very modern day "pop culture" reference. The reference was featured in several very popular blockbuster hit movies over the last couple years alone.
Please view one of the most popular "modern times" dictionaries online today. www.urbandictionary.com. To get the latest on modern day pop culture terms.
The truth is that men want women who are smart, act like a lady AND are sexy. Unfortunately, if some men had to choose one of those qualities over the others, they would choose sexy. The bottom line is that way too many people (both men and woman)dupe their partners by turning into someone else when they get comfortable in the relationship, no longer putting energy into how they look or minding their manners. Doing the things on this list isn't about keeping your man from straying (you are never responsible for his infidelity), but about cherishing your man and your relationship. That means taking the effort to look your best, show some sex appeal (this doesn't mean wearing granny pants which unfortunately do exist in modern culture), and show respect by your behaviors. As far as being hypervigilant for infidelity, don't bother putting your energy into checking up on him. If you feel it in your gut, you're probably right.
...And regarding the children, making your children a priority never means making your man a non-priority. Many men do have valid complaints about being ignored or pushed aside after the couple has children. Men have feelings, too (even if they don't always show them). Just because you now have someone else to love, doesn't mean men no longer need love.
Amy, you said it so perfectly. Elissa makes some good points too. It does boil down to respect, not only for your partner but also for yourself. I think it's worth putting a bit of effort in to show him that you care about his feelings. It also shows him you care about yourself.

Amy Warren, LMHC / WQ Mag Columnist said:
...And regarding the children, making your children a priority never means making your man a non-priority. Many men do have valid complaints about being ignored or pushed aside after the couple has children. Men have feelings, too (even if they don't always show them). Just because you now have someone else to love, doesn't mean men no longer need love.
WQ|mag Admin- A.K.A Kim diligently working said:
As a member of the X generation, I would have to say I disagree with one part of the previous comment above.

Granny panties is a very modern phrase...Yes, this style panty is from the 50's-60's. However...many...perhaps millions of people today in the 21st Century use this reference...to poke fun of this older style of panty. It is a joke... It is a very modern day "pop culture" reference. The reference was featured in several very popular blockbuster hit movies over the last couple years alone.
Please view one of the most popular "modern times" dictionaries online today. www.urbandictionary.com. To get the latest on modern day pop culture terms.

Yup, I saw Bridgit Jones Diary too. I wasn't so much refering to the underwear itself as the concept of wearing it to please someone other than yourself.

I totally agree with Amy Warren's comment...well put... You're so "relational" Amy (Amy's favorite word) and yet a realist...love it!

WQ|mag Admin- A.K.A Kim diligently working said:

I totally agree with Amy Warren's comment...well put... You're so "relational" Amy (Amy's favorite word) and yet a realist...love it!


I am sorry if my comments put you all on the defensive. It's just that I am a retired therapist with many years experience who sees that several of these tips are too superficial and lead to a slippery slope of losing one's idenity to a relationship. I've counseled many women who tried so hard to please their husbands and boyfriends that they lost sight of who they are and what they want in a relationship. Some of the tips were a given to any relationship but some were right on the edge of leading to co-depedency and identity crisis.

What's most important in keeping a relationship healthy is communication, geniune intimacy and trust. These are the building blocks. If one partner finds the other's behavior a turn off, this is a subject for personal discussion.

Not all shoes fit all people. So, to make blanket statements that may only apply to certain individuals is to color all relationships with the same crayon. My final word on this subject, I promise, is to look at each relationship as unique and not subject to the limitations that make for sensational copy.

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