
They’re one of the fastest growing beverages in the drink market.
Energy drink shots are a way to get a blast of caffeine in a quick, concentrated form. College kids are using them to get extra energy to stay up late cramming for exams. More disturbingly, some students are chugging them down with alcohol to offset the sleepiness that comes with drinking. There’s so much concern about the safety of energy shot drinks that some German health authorities are calling for them to be banned.

What’s in Energy Shot Drinks?

Energy drink shots such as Five Hour Energy contain concentrated amounts of caffeine, taurine, amino acids, and B vitamins to increase energy levels and prevent fatigue. Some also contain green tea extract and guarana. Unlike energy drinks that come in sixteen ounce cans, the ingredients in energy shot drinks are mixed with only two ounces of liquid – providing lots of energy bang for the buck – along with lots of potential side effects.

How Much Caffeine?

These two ounce drinks contain up to 200 milligrams of caffeine and 1,000 milligrams of taurine. Taurine is added to some energy shot drinks to offset the effects of drinking alcohol on the liver – so users can more easily combine them with alcohol. The amount of B vitamins in some of these drinks is so high that the niacin they contain causes a flushing reaction in some people.

Obviously, this isn’t the healthiest beverage choice - particularly if you combine it with alcohol. Although the levels of caffeine in energy drink shots is no more than that found in a cup of coffee, a person can easily consume too much when it’s in a concentrated form – especially if they lose track of how much they’re drinking by combining them with alcohol.

What are the Risks of Energy Shot Drinks?

The side effects such as nervousness, mood changes, and insomnia increase with each drink shot as does the risk of more serious problems such as an irregular heart rhythm and elevations in blood pressure. Gaurana is another energy drink stimulant that contains caffeine – up to three times the amount found in coffee. At high doses it can cause irregular heart rhythms, nausea, abdominal spasms, and blood pressure elevations.

Energy Drink Shots: Look for Other Alternatives

Energy drink shots aren’t a smart drink choice for anyone – particularly if they’re combined with alcohol. People who are pregnant, have high blood pressure, or heart disease may be especially susceptible to their effects. The high levels of B vitamins in some of these drinks could also be a problem. Too much B6 over long periods of time can cause nerve damage. Guarana can also interact with some medications. Do your teens a favor and tell them to sip green tea instead.

by Dr. Kristie

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I agree, the health risks out weigh any benefits of energy gain. In addition, I truly believe they are additive. My significant other was drinking them daily. It was like he didn't think he could get through the day without having an energy drink. When we were traveling the first place he would go to, was a search...to find a store or machine to purchase another energy drink.

Between voicing my concerns and breaking down the not very healthy ingredients in the energy drink he finally stopped drinking them, .

I have to include here, we both drink green tea regularly. Between learning about quality green tea from our friend Izumi, who's family has a 600 yr. old green tea farm in Japan, and all of our own research ...1 of the many benefits of Green Tea includes more energy.
Dr. Kristie,

This article couldn't be more truer. Energy Drinks are dangerous and they do not advertise all the people that have ended up in the hospital or never made it? It is said that the 7 hour energy is equivilent to drinking 14 cups of coffee all at one time. What do you think that does to your body? I am very passionate about this subject and whether its right to talk about it here, I actually do not know but I will and it can be deleted if that be the case!

I am marketing with a company named Livinity that has the only MOTHER Nature Approved Energy Shot if that is what call it? You can read all the ingredients and details on www.goingbluemovement.com under the product link. Going Blue Movement is getting National Attention, Awards from the DSA, Infomercials etc.. I am proud to be helping people by taking better safer everyday health products.

BlueRez is the Healthiest Energy Shot You Can Buy! Children can even take it. Its great for their endurance in sports and focus in school. As well as for anyone! It has NO CAFFIENE, NO SUGAR, NO CALORIES, is is an all natural flavor, contains Resveratrol: Acai Berry: Blueberry: Pomegranate: L Taurine: Fenugreek Leaf: Juniper Berry: Vitamin B-2, B-3, B-6 and B-12 : Folic Acid : Green tea etc... Its a 2oz Bottle with two servings.

No shakes or Jitters or afternoon crashes. It just turns on the Youth Genes and impacts the aging process in our cells. We advertise as a Vitamin/Supplement rather that just another energy drink.

I would be more than excited to have you review this information and give me your feed back? And if you are interested in helping your patients and or recommending them Better Safer Health Alternatives there is an opportunity to purchase at wholesale and or even become a wholesale Customer.

Please read the article written by the Direct Selling Association under our News section. Livinity is about Living Longer and Living Free!

To Your Health, Charmaine Tincher

We are on a Mission. Watch for Barb Pitcocks new book coming out in stores this Summer: No Guts-No Story. This company was created out of a heartache and tradegy that turned into a Passion to Help Save Others! Life with out a Purpose is no life at all! God Bless!
Hi Debbie,

We must be on the same wave length. I am so glad John kicked the addictive energy drink habit! It has been taken off the market in Five Countries and slowly in the US some states are taking action and taking them off the shelf. I use your Green tea Product and it is Pure and excellent. Are you still at the farmers Market by the Ellenton Mall on Saturdays? Heres to your health! Charmaine

Debbie Amon said:
I agree, the health risks out weigh any benefits of energy gain. In addition, I truly believe they are additive. My significant other was drinking them daily. It was like he didn't think he could get through the day without having an energy drink. When we were traveling the first place he would go to, was a search...to find a store or machine to purchase another energy drink.

Between voicing my concerns and breaking down the not very healthy ingredients in the energy drink he finally stopped drinking them, .

I have to include here, we both drink green tea regularly. Between learning about quality green tea from our friend Izumi, who's family has a 600 yr. old green tea farm in Japan, and all of our own research ...1 of the many benefits of Green Tea includes more energy.

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