
The Confidence to Conquer the World

Who comes to mind when you think of someone who has conquered the world?
For many people it will be someone who is rich or famous. Not many people automatically think of themselves as successful. However, anyone can have the confidence to be successful in his or her world.

True conquerors have a determination to succeed, coupled with confidence in what they can achieve. Successful people achieve their goals, despite rejection or obstacles in their path.

JK Rowling, the author of the extraordinarily successful Harry Potter books, started writing in a laundromat to deal with her grief about an unhappy childhood.
She was so poor, it was easier to continually visit the laundromat and wait for her washing than to buy a washing machine for herself. Today, she is one of the most successful authors and business women in the world.

Other children at school teased Bill Gates as a child
. Not one of the other children in his class has had such a lasting impact on so many generations, or is able to generate the millions of dollars Bill Gates makes every second.

These are just two examples of people who had the confidence to conquer the world, despite what others thought of them. Whatever your circumstances, there are some simple rules that will help you to have the confidence to conquer your world.

Rule 1 – Believe In Yourself

This rule is all about having confidence in what you can achieve. Sports heroes have the belief that they can swim that lap in world record time, or that they can make that long jump even better.

The children’s story “The Little Red Engine” is a great reminder of the power of positive thinking. The engine starts chanting, “I think I can, I think I can”. This gives it the courage to try to get up a tough hill. Close to the top of the hill, the refrain changes to “I know I can, I know I can”.

If you know you can achieve your big dream, you will put in the hard work needed to achieve your success.

Having a belief in yourself should be realistic, because otherwise, repeated failures could get you down. However, you do need an “I can do this” attitude to conquer your world.

Rule 2 – Learn from Your Mistakes

The ability to learn from our mistakes is a great human trait. There is only one thing worse than making a mistake. That is making the same mistake again.

Everyone makes mistakes. Successful people learn from their mistakes and do not repeat them. If you make a mistake, analyse what went wrong and work out ways of avoiding that error in the future.

Rule 3 – Learn from Others Mistakes

There is no time to make every possible mistake yourself in order to learn from it. People who study success know that learning from other people’s mistakes saves much time, stress and energy.

You may like to consider other people who did not succeed in the field of your choice. Why did they fail? What went wrong for them? A successful business owner will look at what other businesses have already tried and consider how to avoid these mistakes in their own business. Case studies are great ways of learning from other people’s mistakes.

Rule 4 – Define Success for Yourself

If you want to conquer the world, you need to define what the world is for you. What is your definition of success? What do you want to achieve? It may be a world record, fame or fortune, or it could be a lot simpler and more personal. Whatever your definition of success is, you need to keep that dream alive.

Define success and this gives you the overall goal. It helps keep your mind focused on what you want to achieve. Allow your dreams of success to be big.

Rule 5 – Plan to Achieve Small Successes along the Way

Having a big goal to work towards is great, but sometimes achieving it can seem so far away. Plan to have some smaller goals along the path to success. Each individual goal should take you closer to achieving your big goal.

This means you can celebrate each smaller goal as you achieve it, making your pathway to success strewn with many parties and celebrations.

Celebrating smaller achievements along the way helps you to gain confidence in what you are doing and to retain your focus. It is easier to strive to achieve a number of smaller goals.

Rule 6 – Learn To Listen

Most people do not listen very well. Successful people in every field listen well. They listen to directions from experts, the coach in sports, the director in movies and the publisher in writing.

Learning to listen to what your customers really want will always give your business a competitive edge. Learn to listen to other people who can guide you in the path of success.

Be prepared to listen to good advice on the way. You may need to modify some ideas or re-learn new techniques but if that is what it takes to succeed, the effort is well worth it. Listen and learn and you will definitely be on your way to conquering the world.

Rule 7 – Learn When NOT to Listen

While good advice and constructive criticism can really help you to conquer the world, sometimes it is better NOT to listen.

Some people do not like to see others achieving what they cannot. Rather than celebrate someone else’s achievements, they will try to get the person back down to their own level of mediocrity. Listening to criticism from these sorts of critics will not help you succeed.

You need to decide whether the criticism is helpful and constructive or personal. Ignore the personal criticism and move on. You know you can achieve this. Learning when NOT to listen to criticism or rejection can lead to greater successes.

Rule 8 – Keep Going

If every author decided to give up when they received a rejection from a publisher, very few books would be published at all. JK Rowling, Enid Blyton, Clive Cussler, Anne McCaffery and Stephen King all had work rejected by at least one publisher before they made it big. They have since published numerous works that have brought joy to millions of readers.

Everyone either experiences some failures along the way or has some obstacle or hardship to face. Some people give up at this point. The people who conquer the world keep striving to achieve their goal. Never give up if you want to be successful.

Rule 9 – Go Back to Rule 1
Whenever you stumble, or find it hard, go back to rule 1 – Believe in Yourself. Think about the successes you have already experienced and know that you can achieve what you want to. What are you waiting for? Go out and conquer your world!

By Hayley Hunkin

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Kim, I love this step by step approach - VERY easy things to do and WE CAN DO IT!

I tweeted this post (http://cli.gs/H7h9AL) to give it more exposure. Sorry, I don't know your Twitter id :>(
Thanks Val,
I am always happy when members like an article. When I found this article, which is now one of my personal favorites, I thought this is a good positive article that can REALLY help people. We all have goals we want to reach. Perseverance is important and the tips that Hayley Hunkin has pointed out here are definitely right on track to help us get there. I agree... WE CAN DO IT!!

Thanks again,

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