Walsh College of Accountancy and Business Administration (MI)
Favorite Movies, TV?
Breakfast Club
It's a Wonderful Life
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
St. Elmos Fire
United States of Tara
The Closer
Burn Notice
In Plain Sight
Nurse Jackie
Favorite Books?
All Steinbeck's work
To Kill a Mockingbird
I Know This Much is True
Beach Music
Jodi Picoult's work
Hi Jodi - I see you have recently joined the website group WQ. I joined a few days ago. I have several workshops listed on the site that I am presenting to women. I hope you will check them out on 'events'. You didn't put your age in your profile, but I suspect we are about the same age I am also married, have 3 children, not 5 like you. It appears you have an 'older' family and a 'younger' family. I bet the kept your life full for many years. I'd love to hear from you. I live in Venice, not too far away from you.
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Truly, Jack'Thought you might like to see this, which is viewable also on video at:
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Thank you for joining WQ mag online. We are currently Beta Testing this website. Check back daily for updates and helpful information for women. Please send us your comments and suggestions. Send to kimz@wqmag.com.
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