
Social Etiquette Tip of the Week – Mind Your Mobile Manners

It seems that everywhere I go lately I am held captive to conversations I have no interest in hearing. On a flight from Sarasota to JFK this past week we were delayed two hours due to bad weather in New York. The moment we touched down at JFK my seatmate whipped out his cell phone and proceeded to call everyone in his address book to inform them he was delayed. I had to hear the same story repeatedly,at a very high volume, while waiting to deplane.

How about standing in line at the market, in restaurants, or at the post office. I have watched cashiers being totally ignored as customers blabbed away on a cell phone at the checkout. I’ve watched as a server just stood there while an inconsiderate diner answered the phone in the midst of ordering dinner. And most recently, at a wedding I was coordinating, a guest’s cell phone went off during the ceremony! Worse yet...he answered it! Where did our manners go?

Although we have been annoyed at one time or another by someone not practicing proper cell phone courtesy, many of us will admit to committing a cell phone etiquette faux pas at one time or another. If we all practiced just a little bit of common courtesy it would make public places more pleasant for all.

Talk, Don’t Shout. Have you noticed that people tend to shout into their cell phones? For some unknown reason, many of us speak louder when we dial. Shouting into a cell phone is not necessary as it doesn’t make it easier to hear you -that’s the phone company’s job.

Love the One You're With. Unless it’s urgent, it's rude to accept a cell phone call or respond to text messages or emails during a social engagement with others. The call may be important to you, but you're important to the person you are with - let the call go to voice mail and return it later. Of course if you believe it may be an emergency, do take the call.

Don't Talk and Drive. Talking on a cell phone while driving isn't just dangerous, it's actually illegal in some states. How many times have you glanced at someone after they pulled a dangerous move and they were on their cell phone? If you must use your cell phone while driving get a hands-free accessory. And even more frightening are those that text while driving…like the cabdriver I had just last week. It was unbelievable to me!

Choose Ringtones You Won't Regret. Have you ever been in line behind someone fumbling for her phone as an obnoxious song is screaming from her handbag? Although personalized ringtones are popular, you should consider what the ringtone says about you. Your family may love your hit song ringtone, but it will not be a hit waiting in line for coffee in the morning. Almost all cell phones offer vibrate features, so when in public put your phone on vibrate and you won't miss important calls.

I think cell phones are extremely useful instruments. I rely on my phone to keep me connected to my clients via voice or email wherever I am. Cell phones are helpful and have saved countless lives. Unfortunately, they can also be annoying and bothersome. Or maybe it’s just the people who are using them…at least those whose phones go off during wedding ceremonies!

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Comment by Val Filipski on July 30, 2009 at 10:11pm
Cell phone rudeness seems to confirm that cell phones DO cause the brain to be scrambled.
Comment by Nelly Camardo on July 29, 2009 at 4:15pm
Maria, this is a great article. I wish more people would read it and take it to heart! Maybe the phone companies should hand out a manual on cellphone etiquette!
Comment by Debbie Amon on July 29, 2009 at 9:44am
I agree, great tips. It is not difficult to use some common sense. I think it roots in people not taking the effort to be aware and have respect in who is around them. As far as driving, it is scary to think about.

Mobile Tellecommunications is one of the fastest growing industries. I think that all of the wireless companies should promote hands free accessories and include them with the phones or at least make them more affordable.
Comment by Michelle Sampson on July 28, 2009 at 3:26pm
I totally agree. People have become such gadget junkies. I say turn off the gadgets..and turn on your life!

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