Do or Do Not. There is no "Try'
-Yoda The Empire Strikes Back
An important question is do you like yourself? That’s one of the main objectives of Pluswellness: to make sure you are doing things so you like your self.
Pluswellness works, so if you like yourself, you will enjoy and complete it.
One of the most important questions that we will discuss is, “Do you like yourself?” If you like yourself, you will not lie to yourself. You will listen to your inner voice and make the best decisions you can to positively affect your life. The reason why you do that is because you like yourself.
If you like yourself, you eat right, drink water, stretch and exercise and are pro-active with your wellness. Why? You want to feel good about yourself. Why? You like yourself. That’s one key: liking yourself.
If you made liking yourself a priority think of all the decisions you would make differently. If you like your self would you:
(a) Smoke?
(b) Dieting too much?
(c) Not want to improve your health?
(d) Eat too much?
(e) Get out of shape?
(f) Treat your relationships poorly?
(g) Do the other bad decisions you may have made?
(h) Make more money?
So when you finish Pluswellness, you will like yourself. You will like yourself for finishing what you started, and you will like the decisions you are making. So it’s great that we keep working and really like ourselves.
One of the ways we empower ourselves is by how and what we say to ourselves. Visualize about how you see yourself when you are at your best. Visualize this for a couple of days. We want you training the brain to see yourself as that. Recite your visualization out loud to yourself a minimum of twice a day. Once in the morning and once at any other point in the day. If you do it even more, great! And as you do it you get more and more confident and enthusiastic about yourself. So think about this and get ready to be it!
Plus Wellness
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