
THIS WEEKEND ONLY: Something For Nothing Contest


"What a great way to spend a rainy day Sunday. Snacks, TV remote, a cuddly buddy and a nap. My husband and I enjoy a rainy Sunday, it gives us an excuse NOT to do yard work!"


I know your thinking... What the heck is the "Something For Nothing" contest?

Quite frankly so am I...

Wes was talking to me on the phone tonight (Late Thursday) and gets this idea. He says, "Hey Kim...let's do a brand new contest for tomorrow." Now being that I have Fridays off and I was pretty much done with everything except the "Daily Scoop"... I was kind of not too thrilled about this new last minute concept... normally I'm always game.

Wes then says, "Well, lets think of a fun contest just for this weekend only."

"I got it..." I said..."Let's do nothing because, that is what I am doing this weekend... absolutely "nothing..." (I was trying to be funny here)

Then Wes says, "That's it! Let's have a contest for the members who are doing nothing this weekend..."

"Okay...."I said... "Well we gotta give them something...for doing nothing...""Right?"

So Wes says, "Sounds good...work it up and I'll talk to you later..."

Never gotta a call back...

The "Something For Nothing" Contest was born.

So Here it is.... the soon to be famous "Something for Nothing" Contest. For those of us members who are not lazy...just relaxing this weekend and doing absolutely nothing.

Contest Details:

So when someone says they're "doing nothing" this weekend...What does that really mean? Well that's what we want to find out.

This contest is open to all members who are not working or being productive in any way, shape, or form this weekend. We want you to submit a picture below in the reply box of what doing "nothing this weekend" means to you.

Please provide a caption to give us the full effect. The photo can be of you, but does not have to be...it can be of anyone or anything that expresses your feeling of doing "nothing this weekend."

Wes & I (assuming I still have my job after this) are the Official "Something For Nothing" Judges...We are going to pick the best photo and caption that captures the total essence of what doing "nothing" this weekend is all about.

1)This is all in good fun... so keep it fun.

2)As Always...Keep it Clean.

3)Contest Starts 6/5/09 Today 12:30am and Ends Sunday Night at 11:59pm 6/7/09.

Fabulous Prizes:

You get your choice of one of the awesome prizes below:

1) 3 DVD Movies...One of them has to be "Weekend At Bernie's".
2) A Brand New "Giant Size" Universal Remote for your TV.
3) A $50 Lonjevity Gift Certificate.
4) 2 Brand New Bed Pillows "king size" to be purchased on sale from a department store that's close and/or convenient to my home.
5) Wes just added another prize... Wes will have Amy come and mow your lawn.

Good Luck and Thanks for Entering...

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Okay, my daughter is modeling the perfect way to spend a rainy weekend . . . Okay, goodnight!
I am all about NOTHING this weekend-especially if it is rainy and gloomy like this morning.

Rachelle " nothing beats licking the bowl "
rachelle belanger said:
Rachelle " nothing beats licking the bowl "
Great photo!

rachelle belanger said:
rachelle belanger said:
Rachelle " nothing beats licking the bowl "
The things I do for this magazine!! But mowing your lawn... NOT!! This is going too far! I will, however, be happy to give you the name of the lawn service I use -- and you can just send the bill to Wes...after all, I don't do lawns.
When not working I like to just hang around the house or Hang out with family. (As you can see we are very close).

By the way, If I win I want Wes to come mow my lawn.
Since I am the final judge, you will have to pick either Kim or Amy. And Amy is not telling the truth. She lives in a condo downtown and does not have a lawn service! Wes
Come on now Wes, You know you keep both of those girls way to busy for that...besides, we have a rider.

WQ|mag Admin said:
Since I am the final judge, you will have to pick either Kim or Amy. And Amy is not telling the truth. She lives in a condo downtown and does not have a lawn service! Wes
I will be doing "nothing" by the pool, laying back, soaking up the sun, listening to my favorite book on my mp3 player. This is my ultimate "nothing" day. I turn off my phone, my computer etc. I am "out of touch".

Dawn Marie

To me relaxing with my little Missy is the best way to calm down and cool off from the week.
My idea of "just doing nothing" is a day on the boat . . stopping @ the beach . . stopping @ restaurant on the water. . stopping to sun "my bod". . & just plain stopping!!

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