
CLOSED FOR ENTRIES..WQ|mag's Fall Art Contest

You Could Win An Artist Profile in WQ|mag's Fall Printed Magazine Issue

Art Contest:
Calling all Artists... Please submit a Photo of your painting, drawing or sculpture on this page.

An Artist profile with photo of your work in WQ Mag's printed quarterly publication in the Fall 2009 Issue coming out October 15th. This is a 3 month Issue for October,November and December. Winning artist's work will also be featured on WQ Mag.com's website and promoted on the Daily Scoop.

How the contest works:
Upload one photo of your work in the "reply to this" comment box below. Please include a brief description of your work (Less than 100 Words) Only submit one piece of work. You may submit a photo of a painting, drawing or sculpture.

The winner will be determined by the votes of the WQ Mag.com members. The artist with the most votes at the end of the contest wins. Only one vote per member per day (24 hour period). You may use the "invite" link on the WQ Mag site and invite people who like your work. You can upload multiple email invites from the options available on the “invite” link. Any WQ|mag Member can vote once daily. This contest is to help Artists promote their work and for our members to participate in decided the content for WQ|mag magazine.

Entry Period:

Entry period for this contest starts Monday 8/24/09 and ends on Saturday 8/29/09 at 11:59pm midnight.

Size is important. You want your artwork pic to be as large as possible without going over 500 pixels wide. You must limit your entry to 500 Pixels wide or less, height is not usually a problem... this will prevent any possibility of squishing your photo entry of your artwork.

Voting Begins Monday, 8/31/09 at 12:00am and Ends 9/7/09 at 11:59pm

You Must be a Member of WQmag.com to Enter This Contest. Not a member? Join Today it is Absolutely Free... Click Here To Join

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"We" are black and blue from all our battles. "We" have insured for "i",
the individual, the right of self-expression.
Toby Thompson

I paint for the sheer pleasure of it. The process clears my mind and makes me feel plesed with myself. Silent Secret Garden really took me in - a great feeling.
this painting is about reaching for the stars,and make your dreams come trough.acrylik on wood panel,painted in 2009,14x27"
lots of great work!!
This is a watercolor painting on 300lb. paper, 10" x 14" titled "Heliconia Rostrada" by Karen Frimmel... I find so much peace and inspiration at Selby Gardens.

Leper Beauty (Acrylic on cardboard, 12 x 20 inches)

In 1999, I painted this portrait as part of a hands-on healing project at a Leper Community in Bali, Indonesia. Although the left-hand side of the 23-year old subject had been ravaged by leprosy since birth, her right-hand side remained unaffected. The painitng captures the remarkable subtleness of beauty on her unmarred side. Miraculously, within 3 months following the completion of the painting, the girl experienced a total reversal of her condition. Research indicates that certain Caucasians possess a body chemical that potentially alters various forms of leprosy. Perhaps this chemical in my body was responsible for this miracle.

Metropolis 2012 (Mixed media, 15 x 15 x 15 inches)

This city complex design depicts a first-of-its kind, self-sustainable, 1-mile square, eco-architectural urban model that uses solar energy, vertical farming and self-contained water purification to feed, house and support a healthy and productive population of 1,444,000 on-site residents. Coupling architectural concepts from Pablo Solari with technologies that have been independently researched by Marshal T. Savage as well as Jacques Fresco, the construction of this innovative, self-contained master metropolis -- when properly engineered, fabricated and installed -- will present a threshold opportunity in cutting edge, eco-friendly solutions for global food, housing, energy, commerce and agriculture while maintaining environmental integrity.
This painting has long been my favorite. In putting attention on a genuine sense of the leper girl's attractiveness, it is my opinion that Jack's depiction may have allowed the girl a glimpse of her own beauty for, perhaps, the first time in her life. On the psycho-spiritual dimension that links body, mind and heart, this viewpoint of a fresh self-perception may well be what aided the girl in mustering the courage and confidence to heal. It's a touching story and an equally lovely painting. It truly has all the hallmarks of a masterpiece.

Jack Alexander said:

Leper Beauty (Acrylic on cardboard, 12 x 20 inches)

In 1999, I painted this portrait as part of a hands-on healing project at a Leper Community in Bali, Indonesia. Although the left-hand side of the 23-year old subject had been ravaged by leprosy since birth, her right-hand side remained unaffected. The painitng captures the remarkable subtleness of beauty on her unmarred side. Miraculously, within 3 months following the completion of the painting, the girl experienced a total reversal of her condition. Research indicates that certain Caucasians possess a body chemical that potentially alters various forms of leprosy. Perhaps this chemical in my body was responsible for this miracle.
Oops! My error! Please remove the photo of "Metropolis 2012" as I mistaken submitted TWO pieces of artwork rather than one, and I would like the entry for "Leper Beauty" to stay. Thanks.
I paint for the sheer pleasure of it. The process clears my mind and makes me feel pleased with myself. However, trying to figure out how to send this photo in the right pixels is driving me nuts.
Concrete Sculpture depicting one of the "Gods and Icons" series. Sensei is the teacher of gratitude and appreciation of all things. Abundance is all around us, if we will only open our eyes to it's beauty and plenty.

Sensei is 34" tall x 6" wide x 26" depth.

Carla Kathryn Cope

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