
August 2009 Blog Posts (106)


There are two different sets of ferrets that need a home. One is in Osprey and the other in St. Pete. They all come with a multi-story cage, toys, etc.

I can help educate you if you have never had a ferret before. They are wonderful pets to have and bring so much love into a home. Paige

Added by Punum on August 3, 2009 at 5:14pm — 2 Comments

Social Etiquette Tip of the Week - High Altitude Etiquette

Nowhere are bad manners more obvious to me these days than on airplanes. There was a time when air travelers respected each other but that’s no longer the case.

While six miles high in the sky, and crammed into a metal tube with seats, one of the unwritten rules of the airways is to remember that you are not alone. Most of us exhibit proper in-flight behavior and we always remember those that don’t! Below are some unwritten rules of etiquette (for those that don’t) to help you avoid… Continue

Added by Maria Brady on August 3, 2009 at 3:00pm — 1 Comment

Do you think burning off 3,500 calories per day will mean that you lose a pound of fat?

Actually, calories can come from a variety of sources. There are calories that come from fat, protein, carbohydrates and alcohol. If you can burn off 3,500 calories in some form of exercise, there is no guarantee you will be burning 100% calories from fat. In fact, most of the time you are burning calories from sugar or carbohydrates because they are the easiest and most accessible types of fuel in your body. Your liver holds glycogen stores for just the kind of need that exercise requires.… Continue

Added by Bonita on August 3, 2009 at 1:18pm — No Comments

Marketing Tip of the Week: How to be remembered in a positive way.

Be Authentic. To me, being authentic means being yourself and believing in what you are saying and doing.

Are you selling a product that you don’t have faith in? Unless you are a good actor or actress people will see it and feel it. If you are in this position find a new job or a new product because, it is unhealthy. It creates cognitive dissonance, so you will likely lose self esteem and lose the respect of others.

In his book What Clients Love, Harry Beckwith… Continue

Added by Frank Gomez on August 2, 2009 at 8:48pm — 1 Comment

Eating "Next to Nothing" and Still Fat?........Time to Set Your Body on Fire!

When your body turns nutritious food into nutrients it releases heat. When ever heat is released, you metabolism is set on fire! If you don't eat the right foods or try to starve yourself your body has no reason to release heat which stalls your metabolism and keeps you from losing weight.

Check out the Metabolism Boosting List below and if you have any questions feel free to contact me via phone or email.

Metabolism Boosting List

1) Train your… Continue

Added by Patti Linn on August 2, 2009 at 7:00am — 2 Comments

There went my sanity...

It’s official, my new Jaszy’s Jewelry website has been announced to the world, the press releases have gone out, out went an e-blast announcing a really great sale, and every social networking site I could think of has received notice. So is it any surprise that with all the releases went my sanity and sense of calm?

Surprisingly though, serenity returned to me at a time I least expected it to. I had a profound, and somewhat cerebral moment… Continue

Added by Jaszy McAllister on August 2, 2009 at 2:05am — 2 Comments

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