
Rev. Dr. Christina Winsey's Blog – October 2009 Archive (2)

Dear Coach - I hate Keeping a Food Journal! Why Should I?

Dear Coach:

I am in a weight loss support group and one of our assignments is to keep a food journal for every single thing that we eat or drink. I’m so busy I don’t have time for this. It’s annoying and I don’t see how it will help me. In fact, it feels as though I’m having to focus more on food than I ever did by having to keep this journal. But the group facilitator insists. She says that if one person doesn’t do it that will disrupt the unity and support structure for the entire… Continue

Added by Rev. Dr. Christina Winsey on October 12, 2009 at 11:30pm — No Comments

Dear Coach - What is the Mind-Body Connection & Can it Help Me Lose Weight?

Dear Coach:

Can you help me understand more about the whole “body-mind” connection idea? I was in a conversation with one of my dear friends and she told me her mother had cancer, but that she had a miraculous “healing” by utilizing her mind to heal her body. I have always been fascinated by things like hypnosis and mental powers over matter. Can you use it to lose weight, for instance?

"In wonder" in Ohio

Dear “In… Continue

Added by Rev. Dr. Christina Winsey on October 4, 2009 at 12:12am — 1 Comment



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