Are you trying to eat healthy, but that good ‘ol sweet tooth (some call it the “pasta and bread tooth”) gets the better of you?
One thing is for sure, just knowing why sugar and refined carbohydrates are bad for you may not be enough to get you to stop eating them. Many people do things that are bad for them because they “feel so good going down.” In this blog I am going to discuss not just how sugar is harmful to your health and longevity, but also tell how what you can do about getting rid of sugar in your diet.
Make no mistake that white, refined sugar is an addictive substance, and white, refined flour products are similar to eating white sugar in that they break down much easier into simple sugars in the blood and therefore have the same affect of spiking blood sugar (hyperglycemia), only to be followed by a fall in blood sugar (hypoglycemia). Yes these are passing events that the body can handle to a certain extent, but as you age, something we’ve mentioned in a previous blog (insulin resistance) can set in. This makes it more and more difficult for your body to keep blood sugar levels in optimal range; causing more concern for adult-onset diabetes.
There is no where you can go that you won’t find sugar in the daily American diet. Nutritional pollution is everywhere, not just in terms of added sugar, but added fat, salt, msg, and other substances that our bodies were never meant to consume.
If you think you aren’t eating much sugar, here are some examples you may want to consider: Low-fat salad dressing may be laced with it; jarred spaghetti sauce is often loaded with it; ketchup, mayonaise, peanut butter, and so many other foods have tons of added sugar labeled with a variety of names. Don’t be fooled by “corn syrup,” “rice syrup,” “dextrose,” etc. “A rose by any other name is still a rose.”
(Click on the book and scroll down to see "Dr. Chris' Recommended Reading")
In the groundbreaking book Dr. A’s Habits of Health, Dr. Wayne Andersen notes that Americans now eat an average of 26 teaspoons of sugar per day-that’s some 135 pounds of sugar each year-an increase of 26 pounds per person in just the past 20 years.
Also in Dr. A's Habits of Health, Dr. Andersen notes how “food companies have a vested interest in creating products that keep the customers craving them. When scientific studies suggest that eating large quantities of sugar can form addictive patterns in the brain, it’s easy to understand how pushing cheap, sugary foods is a profitable enterprise.” What this means is the obesity and diabetes crises are alive and well. Sugar is adding pounds and cavities and rushing us along in the aging process like never before!
From “Lick the Sugar Habit” by Nancy Appleton, Ph.D., here are just a few more reasons sugar is a killer:
1.Sugar can suppress the immune system; 2. Sugar can upset the body’s mineral balance; 3. Sugar can cause hyperactivity, anxiety, concentration difficulties and crankiness in children; 4. Sugar can produce acidic stomach; 5. Sugar can raise adrenaline levels in children; 5. Sugar can lead to alcoholism; 6. Sugar can cause kidney damage; 7. Sugar contributes to a weakened defense against bacterial infection; 8. Sugar can speed the aging process, causing wrinkles and grey hair. (Just a few of the many she lists).
Of particular controversy is high fructose corn syrup, or HFCS. Drs. Roizen and Oz tell us that eating HFCS messes with leptin and ghrelin, the hormones in our bodies that control our appetite and signal our brains that we are full. You know that feeling that you are still hungry, even though you’ve just polished off 5 or 6 cookies laden with high fructose corn syrup? Or after that soda laden with it? That is the consequence of this affect HFCS has on our natural appetite control mechanisms. Finding your way back to experiencing a normal appetite and satiety – that’s the challenge.
Tell Me What to Do???
Well – so you have a whole bunch of information here about the why of sugar being bad for you, but not the what to do?
• Step one has to be one of breaking the sugar habit and getting the insulin pump essentially turned off in the body. There are specific ways to do this, and you will find in Dr. Andersen’s book “Habits of Health” Through consistent shifts in your daily habits you can actually “retrain your brain” to feel satisfied with normal portions of healthy, low glycemic foods. (Note: my favorite program for helping my patients kick sugar and get weight off safely and quickly is used at the Johns Hopkins Weight Loss Center and endorsed by the National Institute of Health. You can learn more about it here at
• Be a label “hawk!” Read them carefully. Note that the first four ingredients of an item are the primary ingredients in terms of amounts to be concerned with. However, this doesn’t mean if sugar is 5th, 6th or 7th that you should be paying attention. Note how many carbohydrate grams and simple sugars listed. This is important too. Your body is not meant to handle 50 carbohydrate grams of simple sugars in one felt bite, or even two or ten!
• Get yourself a paperback “dictionary” of the glycemic index of foods are listed in order of their presence in the food, so if the first couple of ingredients are sugar -especially HFCS- it’s not a healthy choice.
• Substitute other feel-good behaviors like physical activities for a sugar rush.
• Eat healthy foods mindfully, savoring each bite and enjoying the act of nourishing yourself.
• Get support! Going it alone is very difficult, especially when you live in a culture in which donuts, junk food and the like are readily available and even socially encouraged.
These are only a few suggestions. Information about another very helpful tool (Emotional Freedom Technique) is available free at Don’t forget to download my free report at
Remember that I offer free consultations to my readers. You can learn more about the coaching support you can benefit from at and Learn about my favorite optimal health program at
To Your Health,
Dr. Chris
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