
Rev. Dr. Christina Winsey's Blog – February 2010 Archive (3)

The Frightening Dangers of Sugar to Your Health!

Are you trying to eat healthy, but that good ‘ol sweet tooth (some call it the “pasta and bread tooth”) gets the better of you?

One thing is for sure, just knowing why sugar and refined carbohydrates are bad for you may not be enough to get you to stop eating them. Many people do things that are bad for them because they “feel so good…


Added by Rev. Dr. Christina Winsey on February 24, 2010 at 3:00pm — 6 Comments

Dear Coach: I suffer from Depression

Dear Coach:

Lately I don't feel very happy. I can't quite put my finger on it all, but the only word I can come up with is that I'm depressed. It's not as though I am leading a miserable life -- no crisis or trauma currently going on. I just feel agitated. I'm clumsy lately and I just plain don't care about much - my appearance, completing things.

There is so much I could say I'm grateful for and yet I can't really feel the gratitude. It's…


Added by Rev. Dr. Christina Winsey on February 8, 2010 at 2:00pm — No Comments



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