Be authentic, totally honest, only promise what you can deliver. If you keep this in mind you will succeed because your clients will believe you and believe in you because you deliver. If you say or do something that you don't really believe in, everyone can tell! Your heart has to be in it.
Love and Peace,
Frank Gomez
Added by Frank Gomez on June 18, 2009 at 8:14am —
1 Comment
I couldn't help wincing as I read what I thought would be funny. The Dating Horror Stories were very funny but also very disturbing. Many of the stories had enough information to make a pretty safe call that the men in question were likely abusers or future abusers. I'm no expert but I know a few signs: pushy behavior (trying to keep you from doing what you want to do like ahem... Leave!), chasing you out the door, running you down with the car,…
Added by Frank Gomez on June 12, 2009 at 6:30pm —