
Patti Linn's Blog – November 2009 Archive (9)

A Different Reason for the Season: You

Today is Thanksgiving, and I want you take a new twist on it this year. Be thankful for YOU, and how far you've come so far in your journey. Give yourself some props! If you're like me, you spend so much time throughout the year struggling with the day-to-day stuff. Then, come holiday time, when you should be celebrating, we're so tired we can barely get through the day! Listen, you know how much I love pushing you guys to the max, but the whole reason I do what I do is so that people can… Continue

Added by Patti Linn on November 26, 2009 at 1:15pm — No Comments


7 Ways to Sneak in a Holiday Workout

With the holidays and New Year around the corner, Americans have travel on their mind. Many people find that during holiday travel, their workout regimen seems to get thrown out of whack.

Fortunately, with a little proactive planning, you can maintain your fitness level, no matter where you are. According to IDEA, a membership organization for health and fitness professionals, the key is to… Continue

Added by Patti Linn on November 22, 2009 at 8:49pm — No Comments

Cocktails Making You Chubby? (How to enjoy the party without looking like a flotation device)

Why do we spend all year long working out to look good on the beach, only to sabotage ourselves with cocktails? The answer is that's it's fun and social, and it even makes us feel a little bit better about being scantily clad.

Thanks to the dozens of different diet crazes, we are all abundantly aware of carbs, protein, and fat, and we all have different opinions on which is the most evil. But we forget that alcohol has calories too, specifically 7 calories per gram—more than carbs or… Continue

Added by Patti Linn on November 18, 2009 at 8:38am — No Comments

Is Your Office a Weightloss Disaster?

This was sent to me from one of my clients who is currently on a weight-loss program with me. It is a picture of the DAILY breakfast spread at her office! And we wonder why so many people in this country are overweight and malnurished at the same time.

How in the world do you get around these Major Office Traps?

Here are some suggestions:

For most, the days of physical labor are gone and with it, many great… Continue

Added by Patti Linn on November 12, 2009 at 11:00am — No Comments


It is very obvious to me that the ladies who have been following the program guidelines are definitely seeing results.

The hardest part of this challenge isn't losing weight.... the hardest part is changing your mindset.

To be successful in anything you have to believe you can do it not matter how many times you have told yourself that you can't!

Even if you have a set back you still must believe that you can achieve your goals.

Michelle Owen… Continue

Added by Patti Linn on November 11, 2009 at 1:44pm — 2 Comments

P90X - What is it all about?

If you are interested in learning more about the P90X fitness program or any of the Beach Body Fitness products please go to my beach body website and click on CONTACT ME!


I will be happy to explain any or all of the Beach Body Fitness Programs available, determine which would be the best course of action for you and help you get… Continue

Added by Patti Linn on November 11, 2009 at 1:18pm — No Comments


"What is your five-year plan?"

This is a question that we often associate with career or business planning. It is commonly asked during job interviews. It is used often because the interviewee's response is informative.

Employers want to know if you have the ability, interest, and focus to voice a plan for your future. Being able to do so indicates some intelligent forethought and the desire to reach a specific goal. Too much of the… Continue

Added by Patti Linn on November 11, 2009 at 9:35am — No Comments

WQ Weight Loss Challenge Update!

Here is the latest news on our Weight Loss Challenge Participants:

Since starting the challenge on October 12th the women have had very positive results!

The most impressive being the loss of inches and body fat!

The group as a whole has lost a total of 25 inches in the past three weeks. (that's 5" per person} primarily from their waist and hips.

They also have dropped an average of 4% of their body fat in the first three weeks.

To… Continue

Added by Patti Linn on November 3, 2009 at 11:13pm — 1 Comment

Low-Carb or Low-Fat? Which is better for Weight Loss?

Yes, there’s a lot of controversy out there about the kind of diet you should eat for weight loss. – Low carb, low fat or low calorie. One of the reasons low-carb and low-fat diets work is that cutting carbs and cutting fat ultimately cuts calories. Remember, a calorie deficit is needed for weight loss, and these diets work to reduce calories, pure and simple.

Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health and the Pennington Biomedical Research Center put four popular diets --… Continue

Added by Patti Linn on November 3, 2009 at 2:49pm — No Comments



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