
Esther Bird's Blog – September 2009 Archive (5)

Ten Rules for Selling Your Home

With many people currently attempting to sell their homes, I thought this list would be helpful and interesting. I hope it is informative to many.

1. Hire a good realtor! A professional who knows your neighborhood.

2. Clean out the clutter. Open spaces look best. Clean and then clean some more to make a good first impression.

3. Spiff up the property. Maky any improvements that will improve the show of your home. When possible, stick with the simpler (and less… Continue

Added by Esther Bird on September 27, 2009 at 12:03pm — No Comments

Do's and Don't's of Job Interviewing

There are few things in your life more intimidating than a job interview. It’s natural to be nervous because so much is at stake. Here are a few do’s and don’t’s that may be helpful.


1. Be as prepared as you can be. Anticipate difficult questions that may be asked and practice answering them. This is a good technique to help you prepare, and the more prepared you are the less you have to stress about.

2. Be 100% professional in every way from the minute you… Continue

Added by Esther Bird on September 20, 2009 at 11:35am — No Comments

Three Vital Components of Business Ethics

If you want to enhance your professional image and improve yourself as an ethical business person, here are three vital components of doing that. Focus and master the following:

1. Respect

In business it’s vitally important to be respectful to every person you encounter, the organization you work for and also the resources the company provides. Treat everyone (customers, coworkers and vendors) with dignity and courtesty. Never abuse the use of corporate supplies or equipment.… Continue

Added by Esther Bird on September 13, 2009 at 8:32am — 6 Comments

How To Avoid the Pigs (a.k.a., Swine Flu)

According the today's Herald Tribune, the number of cases of swine flu in our area have increased significantly in the last few weeks. Last year at this time, fewer than 1% of emergency room visits were flu related. Last week the flu related emergercy room visits accounted for 10%.

If you are like me, you want to avoid the flu, so I thought it would be worth your time to read the four suggestions the Herald Tribune offered on how to avoid catching the flu.

Those measures… Continue

Added by Esther Bird on September 12, 2009 at 11:41am — 1 Comment

Wake Up Sister, It's Your Turn!

Are you one of those people who spends most of your time taking care of others? If you are, bless you! Caregivers are wonderful people and their labor of love is desparately needed in our society.

These people take care of others, nurture and give of themselves out of deep love. This is a wonderful thing, but, when you as caregiver care for others to the extent that you neglect your own needs, it's no longer a good thing.

Here's what I mean. To take care of our loved ones,… Continue

Added by Esther Bird on September 5, 2009 at 10:07am — No Comments



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