
Bonita's Blog – August 2009 Archive (9)

Life Is Like a Poker Game

Can you turn your life into a game? Then you could learn the rules, learn how to play really well, have fun and enjoy it, be patient, take the losses with the wins and always want to play more. If only you could!

You never know where life’s lessons will come from. I learned lessons as I watched people play poker. The cards were dealt; the chips were tossed into the middle of the table, the smoke, the food, and the arguments! I… Continue

Added by Bonita on August 29, 2009 at 10:52am — 1 Comment

Do or Do Not. There is no "Try'


Do or Do Not. There is no "Try'

-Yoda The Empire Strikes Back

An important question is do you like yourself? That’s one of the main objectives of Pluswellness: to make sure you are doing things so you like your self.

Pluswellness works, so if you like yourself, you will enjoy and complete it.

One of the most important questions that we will discuss is, “Do you like yourself?” If you like… Continue

Added by Bonita on August 27, 2009 at 4:08pm — 1 Comment

Ensalada de Nopal

Ensalada de Nopal








tomato Buy a bag of cleaned and diced catus leaf. In a large pot combine the catus, salt onions and garlicc. Bring to a boil and allow to simmer until al diente. Drain and toss with other ingrediants when… Continue

Added by Bonita on August 24, 2009 at 5:25pm — 4 Comments

Which food choices are free choices to munch on or use to season my dishes?

Mushrooms, tomatoes, and onions can be used freely throughout the day. You can also add cucumbers, garlic, asparagus, and that pesky nopales cactus to that list! When it comes to the other choices nothing puts weight on your butt faster than an avocado. It's true! Carrots, grapes and dates are all too high in sugar for munching. Organic coconut! Forget it. Just because something is labeled organic does not make it an acceptable weight loss choice. Moreover, corn, well, just think of corn in one… Continue

Added by Bonita on August 24, 2009 at 5:11pm — No Comments

Get Your Essentials!

Why Essential? Because your body cannot do it for you! You need to do it for your body.

We are not going to talk about disease management or suppression of symptoms. Likely your doctor is already doing that. I am here instead to introduce a paradigm shift. The emerging concept of wellness! Wellness gives you the ability to have abundant energy in your life and the ability to live your dreams.

Before going further I… Continue

Added by Bonita on August 19, 2009 at 2:19pm — 3 Comments

How to measure your weight loss success!

How to measure your weight loss success!

Just measure it!

Establish as a target or goal fat metabolism and lifetime weight management.

The healthy goal for people is to lose weight and then maintain their weight at that level. The $89 billion a year weight loss industry is a testament to the failure of that goal.

Simply providing a “better” weight loss product or diet plan does not guarantee body compliance or weight goal retention for that… Continue

Added by Bonita on August 10, 2009 at 3:41pm — No Comments

Can you be really good during the week, cheat on the weekends and your weight loss results will be the same?

No, I am sorry but again, this is a falsehood. The process of eliminating fat from the body includes eliminating it in the form of water. When you have a "cheat day" you are going to (most likely) add a great deal of sodium to your body, which will retain water. Essentially, you are taking two steps forward and one step back for every "cheating period" you take.

Added by Bonita on August 7, 2009 at 11:32am — No Comments

Do you think that if you only eat fewer calories you must lose weight?

"No" is the correct answer. Unfortunately "Yes" is too simple and easy. If that were true, all of us would have the bodies we want!

If you think that 2,000 calories from chicken breast, potatoes, and broccoli are equal to 2000 calories of doughnuts, Moon Pies, Oreo’s, Twinkies and Butter Cups, you are mistaken.

These foods metabolize very differently inside your body. The high sugar content in the fat infused foods will cause a sugar spike, which will result in the… Continue

Added by Bonita on August 7, 2009 at 11:17am — No Comments

Do you think burning off 3,500 calories per day will mean that you lose a pound of fat?

Actually, calories can come from a variety of sources. There are calories that come from fat, protein, carbohydrates and alcohol. If you can burn off 3,500 calories in some form of exercise, there is no guarantee you will be burning 100% calories from fat. In fact, most of the time you are burning calories from sugar or carbohydrates because they are the easiest and most accessible types of fuel in your body. Your liver holds glycogen stores for just the kind of need that exercise requires.… Continue

Added by Bonita on August 3, 2009 at 1:18pm — No Comments

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