
Esther Bird's Blog (29)

BPWFL State Conference in Key West

I just returned home from a wonderful state conference of the Business and Professional Women of Florida. What a great place Key West is!!!

The conference was perfect. Our speakers were great - very educational and interesting. One of our surprise guests at the conference was Miss Piggy! What a surprise that was. Unfortunately, Kermit was not able to be there.

I was elected First Vice President of BPWFL and the installation banquet was Saturday evening. Lavish and lovely… Continue

Added by Esther Bird on June 14, 2009 at 11:09pm — No Comments

Don't Settle for a "Ho Hum Life"

Are you happy with your life? Or do you feel something is missing - but you just don't know what it is?

86% of women in the United States are unhappy with the quality of their lives!!! WOW! that's huge! Are you one of those women? Do you have dreams of a better, happier life but are being held back by fears and blocks? If so, I can help you.

I am a certified life coach who specializes in helping women improve the quality of their lives. I belive that coaching is extremely… Continue

Added by Esther Bird on June 5, 2009 at 5:03pm — No Comments

Do People Really Want to be Helped?

This question came to my mind today and I decided to stick my neck out and do a blog on this topic. I happen to be a certified life and career coach and my focus in my career is to help other people - mostly women but people of both genders. I create and present workshops with this goal in mind. My most recent workshop was titled "Fine Tune Your Interview Skills."

With unemployment at about 10% in this country and the fact that all available jobs are getting hundreds of applicants, I… Continue

Added by Esther Bird on June 4, 2009 at 9:30am — 1 Comment


In the current economic situation, many business owners are struggling to continue to be profitable. The things that worked last year, aren't working now. Customers are spending less money and some businesses are having a difficult time. The small business owners need help, and I can provide the assistance they need.

As a certified career coach, I offer a valuable service to all small business owners to help them write their business plan. Why is this important? Because without a… Continue

Added by Esther Bird on May 25, 2009 at 4:24pm — No Comments

Why Do Women Stay in Relationships With Abusive Men?

This question is one that has been asked many times. Why would a women stay with a man who treats her poorly? Some women stay with a man who is abusive--physically, verbally or emotionally. Why would they do that?

I think I can answer that question with a very short phrase - "LOW SELF-ESTEEM" Often the women accept and put up with being treated badly because they don't believe they deserve anything better. They feel they don't really deserve respect and don't demand it.

I… Continue

Added by Esther Bird on May 18, 2009 at 10:12pm — 2 Comments

Wake Up Sister, It's Your Turn!

Women are nurturers at heart. We often spend our lives taking care of everyone else. We take care of our husband, our children, our parents, and our friends. We make sure their needs are met - that they eat nourishing food, that they get enough sleep, that their social needs are met, etc. This is a wonderful trait - women are loving and giving human beings.

However, sometimes women take care of everyone else and ignore their own needs. When this happens, it has gone too far. Should… Continue

Added by Esther Bird on May 4, 2009 at 8:49am — No Comments

It's Time for a "Good Ole Girls Club"

It's time for women to step up to the plate, go to bat for and help each other in any way we can. We need to be 'Women Helping Women!"

For decades there has been a "Good Ole Boys Club" and I think we women need to have the same type of ongoing support and assistance among business women. We need to help each other in the business world, and stop undermining the other women. Rather than being critical and deterimental to women in the work force, let's strive to promote, assist, and… Continue

Added by Esther Bird on April 26, 2009 at 9:29pm — No Comments

Why Do So Many Women Have Low Self-Esteem?

This is a question I have pondered many times. Since I teach classes on Self-Esteem and Empowerment, I see women every week who struggle with this issue. Why? What happened to these women to cause them to doubt themselves? These are questions that we can ask over and over and try to determine why, but it may not be possible to make that determination.

So, I suggest that we stop trying to figure out why, and just accept the fact that it is what it is. And, doing that, we can then… Continue

Added by Esther Bird on April 21, 2009 at 9:00am — No Comments

Women Supporting and Helping Each Other

I have always been a very strong advocate for women and believe we should join forces and help each other in any way we can. There has been a 'good old boys club' for many years. They network, promote and help each other all them time in business.

So, ladies, it's our turn! Women have been under-rated, under-appreciated, and under-paid for far too long! It's time for us to work together and support each other so we can all be more successful in our businesses.

I am a… Continue

Added by Esther Bird on March 25, 2009 at 5:30pm — 2 Comments



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