
Amy Warren, LMHC / WQ Mag Columnist's Blog (229)

Relationship Tip of the Week: Share Histories

Make an effort this week to share something about your life that you haven’t previously shared with your partner. This tip is an exercise in sharing your self and your history. For example, disclose a childhood memory, something that affected you strongly and impacted your life. Sharing such events is a way of increasing emotional intimacy. It helps your partner to truly know you and understand you. Invite mutual sharing by asking your partner about events in his life that impacted… Continue

Added by Amy Warren, LMHC / WQ Mag Columnist on October 24, 2010 at 8:55pm — No Comments

Grand Opening of Michael’s New Wine Cellar and Tasting Room

If the response to Saturday’s grand opening of Michael’s New Wine Cellar and Tasting Room is any indication, then Michael Klauber and Phil Mancini have yet another winner on their hands. Michael’s dream to renovate and expand the Wine Cellar came to fruition when the long-awaited space finally became available next door. With its industrial ceilings and intimate bistro style, the renovation resembles something you’d be more likely to find in New York than Sarasota. A small bar area, high top… Continue

Added by Amy Warren, LMHC / WQ Mag Columnist on October 18, 2010 at 4:00pm — No Comments

Highlights of the Ringling International Arts Festival

The Ringling International Arts Festival (RIAF) struck gold, at least in the eyes of this year’s patrons. With high caliber performances throughout the five-day Ringling International Arts Festival, festival-goers seemed awestruck by the amount of talent and creativity displayed in performance after performance. Baryshnikov Arts Center’s artistic direction of the festival resulted in a blend of theater, music and dance from established artists as… Continue

Added by Amy Warren, LMHC / WQ Mag Columnist on October 17, 2010 at 11:00pm — No Comments

Ringling International Arts Festival's Opening Night : A Perfect Beginning

The stars were aligned for Opening Night of the Ringling International Arts Festival, and event organizers aligned them perfectly. Pre-performance champagne toasts in theater lobbies began the evening with sparkle that carried throughout the evening. As The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art and Baryshnikov Arts Center partnered for the festival, the Night of Premieres included four world premiere performances: solos by Mikhail Baryshnikov and…


Added by Amy Warren, LMHC / WQ Mag Columnist on October 14, 2010 at 8:00am — No Comments

Relationship Tip of the Week: Don’t Be a Pest

I often hear people in relationship say things to each other like, “I was just trying to annoy you.” “I knew it would irritate you; I was only being funny.” What these statements are really saying is “I know the things that upset you, and I am purposely doing them.” That statement doesn’t sound loving, does it? And it’s not.

Healthy relationships are about cherishing each other. It is never cherishing to intentionally do something that you know your partner won’t like. Often such… Continue

Added by Amy Warren, LMHC / WQ Mag Columnist on October 12, 2010 at 9:05pm — 1 Comment

The Cultural Opportunity of the Year: The Ringling International Arts Festival

Attention all lovers of arts and culture, this week’s Ringling International Arts Festival is an event not to be missed. As the…


Added by Amy Warren, LMHC / WQ Mag Columnist on October 10, 2010 at 1:00pm — No Comments

Relationship and Dating Tip of the Week: Reinforce Baby Steps

Everyone has ideas about what they wish the man or woman in their life would do differently. Whenever you notice this person begin to do something that you’ve been wishing he or she would do, give positive reinforcement. Even if what he or she is doing is only a semblance of what you would like, make sure to express appreciation for the effort. Name the specific behavior you’d like to see more of, without derailing him or her about the part he or she didn’t do. Save that conversation for a… Continue

Added by Amy Warren, LMHC / WQ Mag Columnist on October 6, 2010 at 10:46am — No Comments

This Week's Recipe: Spicy Coconut Shrimp with Spicy Mango Basil Salsa and Lime Jasmine Rice

Iron Chef recently came to Sarasota when a group of friends formed Iron Chef Sarasota. Periodically, we’ll be gathering for a cook-off featuring a secret ingredient announced two days prior to the dinner along with the assigned course. The…


Added by Amy Warren, LMHC / WQ Mag Columnist on October 3, 2010 at 2:00pm — No Comments

RELATIONSHIP TIP OF THE WEEK: Ask This Critical Question First

When you are upset with anyone, before you open your mouth to speak about it, ask yourself “Is what am I about to say or do likely to make things better or worse?” No matter how right you think you are, no matter how good of a point you have to make, if what you are going to say or do is going to make things worse, don’t do it. It’s not worth the fall-out.

There is always a different way to say things or a different approach to problems. Take the time to consider how to say things… Continue

Added by Amy Warren, LMHC / WQ Mag Columnist on September 26, 2010 at 11:07am — No Comments

This Week's Recipes: Corn Pudding, Two Ways

My mom is known for her Southern cooking. Her sweet corn pudding is one of my sweetest childhood food memories, and a recipe that I relish and cook to this day. Having tried savory corn pudding, it’s hard to decide which one I like best. They’re both delicious… you decide.

Sagaponack Corn Pudding

This recipe, featured courtesy of the Food Network, 2002 Barefoot Contessa Family Style, was much requested after a recent…


Added by Amy Warren, LMHC / WQ Mag Columnist on September 18, 2010 at 10:32am — No Comments

RELATIONSHIP TIP OF THE WEEK: Don't miss your last chance...

to register for Relationships101. Successful relationships take skill; they don’t just happen…at least not for long. In Relationships 101, you will learn self skills and relationship skills. When those skills are practiced in relationship, relationships transform. The skills learned will not only apply in relationships with spouses or significant others, but in any relationship.

In Relationships 101, here’s just some of what you’ll…


Added by Amy Warren, LMHC / WQ Mag Columnist on September 12, 2010 at 11:02am — No Comments


Almost eight years ago, it was a serendipitous day both in my relationship and my professional life when the Psychotherapy Networker magazine titled “Bad Couples Therapy: How to Avoid It” arrived at my office. The magazine featured several articles on the subject by renowned therapists, but the one that struck a chord with me so loudly that I couldn’t help but hear it was by best-selling author and ground-breaking therapist Terry Real. I had never heard of him before, but I immediately knew… Continue

Added by Amy Warren, LMHC / WQ Mag Columnist on September 5, 2010 at 9:00am — No Comments

RELATIONSHIP TIP OF THE WEEK: Idle Threats are Not Repair Tools

In the heat of the moment, people in relationship often make idle threats which they don’t end up following through with. Threats are usually made to get a spouse’s attention or to get the fight to stop, but these inadequate attempts to repair a situation usually only make matters worse in the long run. As is often the intention, feelings are hurt and anxieties are provoked. Retaliation is always a losing strategy. “I want a divorce,” or “You have to leave” are the worst of these threats; such… Continue

Added by Amy Warren, LMHC / WQ Mag Columnist on August 27, 2010 at 12:00pm — No Comments

This Week’s Recipe: Welcome Home Sweet Potato Fries

This recipe welcomes Kim “back to the office” from her trip. Our weekly business lunches at Longevity Restaurant used to habitually include the sweet potato fries. Now that Longevity has closed, here’s an even healthier version -- sweet potato fries that are baked instead of fried -- to satisfy the craving.

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Slice sweet potatoes into whatever size fries you prefer.

Mix in bowl with at least…


Added by Amy Warren, LMHC / WQ Mag Columnist on August 26, 2010 at 2:30pm — 1 Comment

This Week's Recipe: Very Berry Corn Muffins

Berries rich in antioxidants and whole grains make these muffins a bit more guilt--free than your usual bakery muffins. Enjoy for breakfast.

11/2 cup whole wheat pastry flour

1 cup cornmeal

1 Tbsp. baking powder

1/2 tsp baking soda

1 tsp cinnamon

1/2 tsp salt

2 free range eggs

1/2 cup honey

1/4 cup raw sugar

1 cup buttermilk

6 tbsp. unsalted butter, melted

1 cup raspberries

1/2 cup…


Added by Amy Warren, LMHC / WQ Mag Columnist on August 6, 2010 at 4:35pm — No Comments

Teaming Health with Relaxation

Imagine being able to improve your health, detoxify and burn calories while in a state of deep relaxation. With infrared sauna therapy, all these goals can be achieved and more. Infrared heat therapy has been used for thousands of years in China and Japan. In recent years, infrared sauna therapy has begun to be prevalent in the United States. Doctors recommend it to patients, athletes use it, and people purchase the saunas for their homes. These saunas are a totally different experience than… Continue

Added by Amy Warren, LMHC / WQ Mag Columnist on August 5, 2010 at 3:00pm — No Comments

Relationship Tip of the Week: Identify What Works

Too often, people focus only on what doesn’t work in their relationship. When you focus on the positive, your relationship will become more positive. What you focus on expands. This week, take the time to identify what does work in your relationship.

Ask yourself these questions:

• When you are getting along well, what are you doing differently than when you aren’t getting along?

• When you’re arguing and the fight finally stops, what did you do to turn things…


Added by Amy Warren, LMHC / WQ Mag Columnist on August 5, 2010 at 1:40pm — No Comments

Read the Signals

Feelings and negative emotions are signals. Anger, sadness, fear, shame, anxiety and depression are all signals that something in life is out of balance. In relationships, the signal may that you are being mistreated, tolerating behavior from someone else that you shouldn’t, or perhaps that you are treating someone else poorly or not acting within your own integrity. Emotions are designed to get you to move. They remind you to make changes, and call you back to your values.



Added by Amy Warren, LMHC / WQ Mag Columnist on August 1, 2010 at 11:00am — 1 Comment

This Summer Special is Truly Special

Pampered hands and feet, perfectly painted, glistening nails, smoothed skin with no evidence of daily wear and tear from stilettos – most of us luxuriate in the relaxation of a good manicure and pedicure. As for me, I’m always looking for deals on pedicures, but most of the time, the best deals are at oriental nail salons. These are the same salons that are notoriously questionable in their hygiene and products and routinely rushed in their services, getting you in and out of the pedicure chair… Continue

Added by Amy Warren, LMHC / WQ Mag Columnist on August 1, 2010 at 9:00am — No Comments

Relationship Tip of the Week: Bring Work Home

This week’s relationship tip is to bring work home. My advice is not to literally bring work home so you have less time to spend with your spouse. My advice is to bring the skills, energy and ambition you utilize at work home and apply those same skills and motivation to your relationship.

Did you know that most people treat the people they work with better than they treat their spouse? Think about it; it’s true. I bet you’ve said things to your spouse or significant other in your…


Added by Amy Warren, LMHC / WQ Mag Columnist on July 25, 2010 at 2:30pm — No Comments

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