(ARA) - Sticking to a budget is one of the top resolutions Americans make after the holidays, but many people aren't sure how to start effectively managing their household finances. Wise credit card use is a key step toward achieving such a goal. Understanding a few important facts now will help you to avoid surprises and get back on track when holiday bills arrive in the New Year.
Understanding the terms of your credit card… Continue
Added by admin on January 13, 2010 at 6:30pm —
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Harmony Health Acupuncture and Herbs
Chances are you've never had a
Tui Na massage. More likely than not, you've
probably never heard of Tui Na (Tway-Nah).
If that's the case, you should read on. Because this ancient form of therapeutic massage is a little-practiced linchpin of Chinese Medicine.
Operating on the same energy-moving principles of acupuncture, Tui Na essentially replaces needles…
Added by Josh Zimmer on January 13, 2010 at 5:30pm —
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In the last couple weeks we have had a “few cold” days in Florida. In some ways it was kind of nice to have a fire in the fireplace, and to be able to wear my leather jacket and the couple of warm sweaters that I own. However, despite the fact the people still looked fairly normal…strangely garbed shapes began to appear…some in florals and others in stripes and solids.
“Chickens”…”wimps” our northern friends think! Yet apprehension mounts as reports of near freezing temperatures…
Added by Sara Hand on January 13, 2010 at 3:41pm —
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Harmony Health Acupuncture and Herbs
You've probably noticed the growing buzz over Vitamin D, long known as essential to calcium absorption and bone health.
But there appears to be more - much more - to this dietary mainstay. An increasing body of research points to Vitamin D's role as an important immune system builder, cell regulator and protector against obesity and disease, including various forms of…
Added by Josh Zimmer on January 13, 2010 at 11:00am —
As humans, we all make mistakes at one time or another. When a mistake is made or something has been done to hurt someone, many people tend to withdraw and wall off in shame, inwardly berating themselves. This behavior is what is called toxic shame. The message is “I’m so hurt by how I hurt you that my pain is more important than yours.” Others lash out and attempt to mask their error by blaming the other person for his wrong-doings. Both of these types of behaviors are self-absorbed and do…
Added by Amy Warren, LMHC / WQ Mag Columnist on January 12, 2010 at 5:00pm —
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Many people include losing weight in their New Year’s Resolutions. It is usually a direct response to bad choices and overeating at holiday parties and family gatherings. I would like to devote a series of blogs to help you reach your ideal weight – the healthy way – and with the least amount of frustration.
So, you decide to go on a diet and immediately cut out a meal or 2 and decide to pretend food does not exist.
Guess what? Your body now switches into starvation mode…
Added by Renee Masters Alvarado on January 12, 2010 at 11:30am —
I’ve heard the term “re-invent yourself” many times and I imagine you have too. But do you believe that it is possible to truly re-invent oneself?
I believe wholeheartedly that it is very possible – because I have accomplished this task myself. Having spent 28 years in the corporate world, I finally reached the point in my life when I said, “Enough of this crap, I want a better life and I’m ready and willing to do whatever it takes to make a new life for myself.” And I did…
Added by Esther Bird on January 11, 2010 at 10:46am —
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During our steamy Florida summers, my bald scalp does give me some advantage over my thick-haired girlfriends when it comes to cooling down. Come winter though, I am convinced that no one with hair feels the cold like I and my bald sisters do. No matter how much clothing I put on, I absolutely cannot stop shivering unless I insulate my head. Is it just my imagination, or is there a heat valve on top of my head? During my “hair days” I never…
Added by Susan Beausang on January 11, 2010 at 9:44am —
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(ARA) -
At first thought, winter might not conjure up words like spicy, bold or sunny. It should, though, at least when it comes to the inside of your home. While it might be gray and dreary outside, infusing color into interior decor is one of the quickest ways to create a cozy, inviting living area. And winter is the ideal time to do it.
Adding a shot of color to a space can be done quickly, but it can sometimes be… Continue
Added by admin on January 10, 2010 at 5:34pm —
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(ARA) -
The beginning of a new year - and a new decade - is the time many people pledge to live differently. For many, that change means living a more sustainable lifestyle. Sustainability, once only a buzz word, is now fast becoming the way to live consciously.
From reducing your water usage to buying organic, here are 10 simple ways to make 2010 the year of sustainable living:
1. Use water more…
Added by admin on January 10, 2010 at 5:31pm —
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There has been a lot of bashing of business these days in our political discussions. There are, no doubt, some in any field of endeavor who lie or cheat or abuse people in the process of getting to the top, but as a whole, we should honor, not discourage those who have the courage to launch out on their own and start their own business. As someone who has worked in a variety of capacities -- for large academic institutions, stable government, the judiciary, a medium-size estabished…
Added by admin on January 10, 2010 at 5:30pm —
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Now that the holiday feasting is over, the three food thoughts running through my mind are: I need to lose the pounds I gained over the holidays, I don't want to sacrifice eating good food in order to lose the weight, and I want something warm in these freezing temperatures. In case you're thinking like I am, I thought it was a good time to reincarnate this recipe that I posted in the early days of the website. My mom introduced me to this…
Added by Amy Warren, LMHC / WQ Mag Columnist on January 10, 2010 at 11:30am —
Dear Coach
Can you tell me what I can do in the way of
alternative medicine for enhancing my efforts to control appetite? I don’t like using drugs of any kind and I heard there were essential oils, and homeopathic remedies that might be of help.
I find I get so hungry in the afternoon and that is when I “lose it” to chocolate or some sweet. Help Please!
Afternoon snacker
Dear Afternoon Snacker:
What a terrific question!…
Added by Rev. Dr. Christina Winsey on January 9, 2010 at 5:45pm —
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Many people are realizing that tightening everything up in 2009 didn't help. It is time to make a change. If you aren't working on your business then your business will stop working for you.
"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. "
-Benjamin Franklin
So, what can you do differently?
Learn from others, call a similar business in a different market (another city? state?) and…
Added by Frank Gomez on January 9, 2010 at 10:13am —
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So, I hear you have a New Years Resolution that you want to keep this year, hmm, interesting. What is so different about this one, what makes you think you can actually achieve it this year? Have you ever kept a resolution, ever? No? Oh my, just as I thought. In that case let's start at the very beginning.
To really bring about change in your life and/or accomplish a goal you must be in the right frame of mind, be passionate about it, make a plan that you stick to and get an…
Added by Michelle Teyke on January 8, 2010 at 3:30pm —
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It's a Brand New Year! Time for some new ideas for your workouts! Your workouts NEVER have to be boring.
There will be days you don’t feel like going. You’re human! But there’s never any excuse for doing the same old 10 reps, 3 sets. We ALL get bored with that. Strategically (one of my favorite words) modifying your training variables will maximize your efforts in the gym. What can you do to dramatically change your workouts and therefore…
Added by admin on January 8, 2010 at 1:30pm —
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Added by Kayse Weamer on January 7, 2010 at 9:16pm —
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Dear Coach:
I have heard so much about Life coaching and yet I don’t really know what it is. It seems a term that is going around everywhere, and I even have some friends who have hired a life coach. Can you explain what a life coach does?
I’m not so sure whether I really need a coach. Also, there seem to be different types of coaches and I don’t really understand.
Dear “Wondering:”
Thanks for this valuable question. I do…
Added by Rev. Dr. Christina Winsey on January 6, 2010 at 8:26pm —
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“My life changes when I do, and I am choosing change today!”
What is your “One Thing” you could be doing today to be more profitable, successful, balanced, healthy, happy…?
Call 941-228-4033 or email info@JoyBeyondFreedom.com to schedule.
Added by Sara Hand on January 6, 2010 at 4:00pm —
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The New Year is here and the list of things that you are going to do and accomplish is formidable. I applaud you for thinking big. Yet, one of the most common causes for failure is trying to do it all now!
In goal setting with clients, we create a list of all we want to achieve…to experience…to share in the coming year. Then we take a simple one page overview of the year with only the titles of the months on it and divide the objectives from our yearly “to do list” under the titles.…
Added by Sara Hand on January 6, 2010 at 3:15pm —