
Esther Bird's Blog (29)

Effective Speaking Skills

There are several things a person can to do be an effective and memorable speaker. A while back, I was a member of Toastmasters International for six and a half years. These are some of the things I learned and continue to use in my motivational presentations.

1. Have a strong opening - I often begin with a question to immediately engage your audience.

2. Continue to engage the audience by asking them questions during the presentation.

3. Remember - less is more. Better to…


Added by Esther Bird on March 7, 2010 at 11:06am — No Comments

Five More Strategies for Getting Clients

Every business owner strives to get more customers. Here are an additional five suggestions you might implement that are sure to result in acquiring more customers for your business.

1. Develop Strategic Partnerships – make connections with other businesses that serve your clients and cross promote.

2. Publish a monthly newsletter or Ezine – this is a great way to stay in touch with current clients and warm potential clients as well.

3. Focus on your client’s…


Added by Esther Bird on March 3, 2010 at 11:00pm — No Comments

How to Identify an Abuser

There is no doubt, some people have abusive personalities. Here are five signs to look for in attempting to identify someone who may be (or become) an abuser. If you see these things in someone you are dating - RUN!!!! If you see these things in your current partner - GET HELP NOW!

1. He/she isolates your from your friends and family - you may initially see this as flattering, but this type of possessiveness is not a good thing. By cutting you off from contact with others, they are…


Added by Esther Bird on February 14, 2010 at 12:06pm — 1 Comment

Is It Possible to Re-Invent Yourself?

I’ve heard the term “re-invent yourself” many times and I imagine you have too. But do you believe that it is possible to truly re-invent oneself?

I believe wholeheartedly that it is very possible – because I have accomplished this task myself. Having spent 28 years in the corporate world, I finally reached the point in my life when I said, “Enough of this crap, I want a better life and I’m ready and willing to do whatever it takes to make a new life for myself.” And I did… Continue

Added by Esther Bird on January 11, 2010 at 10:46am — 1 Comment

Ten Rules for Selling Your Home

With many people currently attempting to sell their homes, I thought this list would be helpful and interesting. I hope it is informative to many.

1. Hire a good realtor! A professional who knows your neighborhood.

2. Clean out the clutter. Open spaces look best. Clean and then clean some more to make a good first impression.

3. Spiff up the property. Maky any improvements that will improve the show of your home. When possible, stick with the simpler (and less… Continue

Added by Esther Bird on September 27, 2009 at 12:03pm — No Comments

Do's and Don't's of Job Interviewing

There are few things in your life more intimidating than a job interview. It’s natural to be nervous because so much is at stake. Here are a few do’s and don’t’s that may be helpful.


1. Be as prepared as you can be. Anticipate difficult questions that may be asked and practice answering them. This is a good technique to help you prepare, and the more prepared you are the less you have to stress about.

2. Be 100% professional in every way from the minute you… Continue

Added by Esther Bird on September 20, 2009 at 11:35am — No Comments

Three Vital Components of Business Ethics

If you want to enhance your professional image and improve yourself as an ethical business person, here are three vital components of doing that. Focus and master the following:

1. Respect

In business it’s vitally important to be respectful to every person you encounter, the organization you work for and also the resources the company provides. Treat everyone (customers, coworkers and vendors) with dignity and courtesty. Never abuse the use of corporate supplies or equipment.… Continue

Added by Esther Bird on September 13, 2009 at 8:32am — 6 Comments

How To Avoid the Pigs (a.k.a., Swine Flu)

According the today's Herald Tribune, the number of cases of swine flu in our area have increased significantly in the last few weeks. Last year at this time, fewer than 1% of emergency room visits were flu related. Last week the flu related emergercy room visits accounted for 10%.

If you are like me, you want to avoid the flu, so I thought it would be worth your time to read the four suggestions the Herald Tribune offered on how to avoid catching the flu.

Those measures… Continue

Added by Esther Bird on September 12, 2009 at 11:41am — 1 Comment

Wake Up Sister, It's Your Turn!

Are you one of those people who spends most of your time taking care of others? If you are, bless you! Caregivers are wonderful people and their labor of love is desparately needed in our society.

These people take care of others, nurture and give of themselves out of deep love. This is a wonderful thing, but, when you as caregiver care for others to the extent that you neglect your own needs, it's no longer a good thing.

Here's what I mean. To take care of our loved ones,… Continue

Added by Esther Bird on September 5, 2009 at 10:07am — No Comments

Who's Steering Your Boat?

Imagine yourself in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico in a 22 foot cabin cruiser. You’re sitting in the back of the boat, relaxing and feeling the sun on your face and the waves and tide rocking you back and forth. The rise and fall of the water is refreshing and relaxing – predictable and comfortable in it’s rythmic movement. You are allowing the tide take you anywhere it wants to. The tide is in charge.

Is that how you’re living your life? Are you sitting back relaxing and letting… Continue

Added by Esther Bird on August 21, 2009 at 10:24am — No Comments

A World Without Women - What Would It Be Like?

Let’s think about this for a few minutes. What would it be like if we lived in a world without the nurturing, loving, gentle and compassionate creatures called women? In my opinion, that would be a terrible thing.

Women have always been nurturers and care givers. Nearly all women have kind, gentle hearts. I believe women are the center of the universe, the family and the community. Women care for their spouses, children, parents, siblings, friends and neighbors. They are the ones who… Continue

Added by Esther Bird on August 14, 2009 at 1:13pm — No Comments

Nine Qualities of Successful People

Everyone wants to be successful in their business life. But how do we assure ourselves that we will be successful? Here are some pointers and traits to consider that will help us guanantee our professional success. Successful people have:

1. The ability to listen – and listen well. Always remember, we have two ears and one mouth, there’s a good reason for that.

2. Assertiveness – successful people know when to say ‘no’ and don’t hesitate to do so. They set limits for… Continue

Added by Esther Bird on August 4, 2009 at 11:34pm — 4 Comments

Five Things to do if You Lose Your Job

1. File for unemployment. If you're laid off, you automatically quality for state unemployment benefits. Payment levels are determined by how much you made, up to state-imposed limits. Typically, you can expect to receive about $293 a week for 46 weeks. Filing can be done online without leaving the house. In most cases it takes 2-3 weeks to received your first week's benefits.

2. Trade down the totem pole. Snagging a job, even if it's not your dream position, will allow you to better… Continue

Added by Esther Bird on July 19, 2009 at 10:25pm — 2 Comments

Abortion - Who Should Decide?

I am fully aware that this is a sensitive issue. I will attempt to write this article not to upset anyone but to help both sides of this sensitive issue learn and think about it in a different light. Please note that opinions expressed are my opinions, and if you believe I am mistaken, I would like to hear from you. Educate me, please. But let’s all be respectful of the opinions of others.

Pro-choice or pro-life – are they on opposite sides of the issue? I don’t really think they… Continue

Added by Esther Bird on July 19, 2009 at 1:05pm — 2 Comments

How to Polish Your Professional Image

Your professional image and reputation are the most valuable asset you have in the business world. Having a solid, positive, professional image will take you far in your career. If your behavior detracts from that image, others won’t see you in a positive light and your career will suffer. If a good professional image is tarnished by unacceptable behavior, you may never regain what you have lost.

This is why it’s so important to always do the right thing and always strive to be the… Continue

Added by Esther Bird on July 17, 2009 at 9:41am — 1 Comment

Using Social Networkng to Build Your Business

Social Networking has become the number one way of successfully promoting your business. If you’ve been fighting this trend and holding off on participating in this type of marketing, you need to change your mindset and get involved now! Trust me, your competition is doing it and benefiting.

It may seem intimidating at first, but in no time you will find that this type of marketing will pay off in big ways. The first step is to open accounts on the various networking sites and start… Continue

Added by Esther Bird on July 9, 2009 at 1:30pm — 7 Comments

Facts About Women's Buying Power

There is no question that our economy is depressed at this time. I think the following facts about the role of women in U.S. economic arena are relevant and interesting. Read, learn and I hope you are amazed by the powerful and important role we have:

Did you know that:

1. Three in ten working women make all or almost all of their family’s income?

2. Women are responsible for at least 83% of all consumer purchases?

3. Women are major players in… Continue

Added by Esther Bird on July 3, 2009 at 11:00am — 1 Comment

Facts About Women in the Work Place

Women are marvelous creatures. We are strong, hardworking and dedicated to our personal growth and professional success. Listed below are some interesting and thought provoking facts about women in the work place.

Did you know:

1. There is a significant wage gap?

2. Sixty-nine percent of Americans belive that women and minorities are paid less for doing the same work as their white male counterparts?

3. Sixty-five percent believe there should be… Continue

Added by Esther Bird on June 28, 2009 at 1:41pm — No Comments

Assertive and Feminine

Is it possible to be both assertive and feminine? Some people would say ‘no, you can’t,’ but I believe it is not only possible, but necessary for successful women leaders in today’s work place. So how do we accomplish this? What should a woman do and how must she act to be seen in this light? I will provide you with a few techniques to successfully being assertive when necessary while maintaining your femininity at the same time.

1. Being assertively feminine requires you to use your… Continue

Added by Esther Bird on June 23, 2009 at 1:20pm — 1 Comment

Meeting the Winner of the "Glass Ceiling Award" at BPWFL Conference

The state conference for the Florida Federation of Business and Professional Women was held June 11-14 at Key West. One of our guests of honor was Cindy Dick, Fire Chief of the Tallahassee Fire Department. What a remarkable woman she is!

It was an honor to meet Cindy, talk with her, and listen to her speech during which she talked about some of the challenges she encountered during her career. Anyone who thinks men and women are treated equally in the work place is mistaken. Cindy… Continue

Added by Esther Bird on June 16, 2009 at 9:21am — No Comments



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